Mar 18, 1506
Leaving Jamaican port
We are in the Caribbeaqns. We just left the jamican port about six hours ago. People are getting hungry and tired. We are trying not to waste any food at the moment because we wont have any left. -
Mar 23, 1506
On our way to the Bahamas
Its been five3 days since we left. People are getting more and more tired each day. Are food supply is low bexcasue we thought i would last a long time, but turns out we were wrong. People are getting hungry fast the more we are at sea the more people are working and getting tierd -
Apr 27, 1506
Ariving at the Bahamas
Its been about a month since we left the Jamacian port and We have arrived at the Bahamas. All of us are searching for food so we can get back to saikling as soon as possible. Everyone has split up into groups so if something were to happen to someone they can help them out. We didnt all go to the same place beacause we wouldnt get as much food. Everyone is to meet back at the ship at or before sunset -
May 30, 1506
On our way to cuba
We are on our way to the Cuban port and we had food at the beggining of our journey but its run out now we will soon reach Cuba so we will have more food and we will use new stratagies so we can get more food in a shorter time. -
Jul 20, 1506
Arrived at Cuba
We arrive dat Cuba and everyone has spilt up into groups with with two people in each. When everyone met back before sunset we discoverewd that we didnt get as much food as last time. But we must keep on going. We had to leave with not that much food. -
Apr 19, 1507
Going to Puerto rico
We have been on the sea for a long time. This has been one of longest journey yet. We barely had any food in the beggining but we made it work. We started fishing and we stopped at little islands on the way for five minutes to get supplies quick but not to waste any time. -
Jun 26, 1507
Reached Puerto rico
We reached puerto rico and We did what we had to do to keep the crew healthy and not hungry. We used a different stratagey this time and got more food than before. So we will probably use this stratagey next time we stop. -
Jul 5, 1507
Going to saba
We have at sea for about a month since we left Puerto Rico. We are halfway there. Yesterday a storm came at night. We lost a few memebers because the ship was moving side to side and they lid off. We tried to save them but the waves dragged them farther and farther and deeper each time. We are still trying to stay strong. They were good people and im sad to inform their families when we go home. -
Feb 13, 1508
Arrived home
We have reached home. I am going to spend time with my family. I missed them while we were at sea for three years. It feels good to be home. I want to tell people about the dangers of sea and what they can do to prevent them. I want to teach them new stratagies. And i want to teach them the do's and dont's of sea.