Brown Vs. Board of Education
After the court ruling during Brown v. Board of Education,segregated public schools were ruled to be inherently unequal. Which then caused the IDEA to be put into place and set the stage for the long journey ahead to improve public education for students with special needs. -
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Special Education and the Law
During this time span from 1954 to 1985 Specialized Education went from separate to inclusive, and also many changes were made to the terms needed to be used to help Special Education students. -
Board VS. Hendrick Hudson Central School
This was the first time the supreme court had a special education case in which the quality of the education of special needs students was evaluated more closely. The phrase "a free appropriate public education" was used to describe what students should receive. -
Burlington School Committee V. Mass Board of Ed., 471 U.S. 359 (1985)
The decision in this case helped to clarify the procedural safeguards for parents role in educational decision making,tuition replacement, and private placing.