Marbury v. Madison
This case established the idea of judicial of review ruling they had the right to strike down laws and statures. -
McCulloch v. Maryland
The question at hand was can states tax federal entities. They ruled that they can not. -
Dred Scott v. Sanford
The question at hand was, are African American citizens in the United States. At the time they decided that they were not. -
Plessy v. Ferguson
The question at hand was "separate but equal" doctrine constitutional. They determined at the time that it was. -
United States v. Nixon
The question at hand was does President Nixon have to return evidence that was known to be in his procession. They ruled he did. -
Brown v. Board of Education
The question at hand was is segregated public schools constitutional. They ruled that it was not. -
Roe v. Wade
The question at hand was Is the right to abortion Constitutional. It was ruled that it was in 1973 and overturned in 22. -
Miranda v. Arizona
The question at hand is do officers have to inform suspects of their 5th amendment rights. They ruled that they did have to. -
New York Times Co. v. United States
The question at hand was, is the New York Times allowed to publish the "pentagon papers". They ruled that they were. -
Bush v. Gore
The question at hand was did Florida have to do a recount in their election. They ruled that they did not have to.