
Summer of 2012

  • Last Day

    Last Day
    This was my last day of shcool. We played kickball and had a good time. I was so happy school was over.
  • Swimming at the pool

    Swimming at the pool
    It was so fun all my freinds were there. It was so fun jumping off the board, I could do a flip and a back flip. The snacks that were there are also so good.
  • Ireton Baseball Tournament

    Ireton Baseball Tournament
    This was when i played baseball in the ireton tournement. It was really fun. We gat 3rd plase in the tournement
  • 4th of July

    4th of July
    It was so fun allot of my family members came over and we grilled. The food was awesome. We didn't light any fireworks because it was so dry but it was fun.
  • Swimming at Kings Pointe

    Swimming at Kings Pointe
    Kings Pointe is really fun they have tons of slides. I went down allmost all of them. I also played basketball in the water witch was also really fun.
  • Golfing at the Harvester

    Golfing at the Harvester
    Me and my family want goling in Rhodes Iowa at a golf course called the harvester. It was really fun it had a huge lake that we lost some balls in. We allso atayed in a hotel near the golf course.