Summative Task

  • Robert Borden Comes into Office

    Robert Borden Comes into Office
    POLITICAL Robert Borden became prime minister of Canada after the 1911 election. This was a neutral event in terms of whether it showed progress or decline.
  • Citizens Reactions to the Great War

    Citizens Reactions to the Great War
    SOCIAL Many Canadians reacted very patriotically when they heard about the war. This is a sign of progress due to people feeling like this is a country to be proud of and to fight for.
  • Francis "Peggy" Pegahmagabow

    Francis "Peggy" Pegahmagabow
    SOCIAL Francis Pegahmagabow also know as Peggy was a First Nations soldier in WW1. He survived a poison gas attack which killed 33% of their men. He was known as a great marksman. This would be a sign of progress because it was helping people to like people who come from native descent and to help to stop discriminating against them.
  • Woman in the Workplace

    Woman in the Workplace
    SOCIAL Woman were able to get jobs that were typically considered "a mans job" such as working at factories. This is a sign of progress due to woman being allowed more opportunities.
  • Victory at Vimy Ridge

    Victory at Vimy Ridge
    SOCIAL Canada won the battle of Vimy Ridge thanks to many soldiers like Jeremiah Jones, a black soldier who earned the respect of his fellow soldiers even in a time of racism. This event showed progress being made as we won a major battle and thanks to Jeremiah Jones, also fought against prejudice.
  • Conscription

    SOCIAL & POLITICAL Conscription made it so men in a certain range of ages had to fight in the war. Many people disliked this especially the French-Canadians due to them thinking that they shouldn't have to fight a war for the British when it has nothing to do with them. This shows decline due to it furthering our relationships with the French-Canadians
  • The Roaring 20s - Entertainment

    The Roaring 20s - Entertainment
    SOCIAL The 1920s were the start of the golden age of music and entertainment. Young people felt liberated from the stresses of war and were able to finally enjoy themselves. Jazz was extremely popular at this time as it was a "freeing" form of music. This would be a sign of progress because it meant people were able to express themselves more.
  • The Roaring '20s - Transportation

    The Roaring '20s - Transportation
    TECHNOLOGICAL The '20s offered easier ways of transportation such as the car and trains. The government invested a lot into building and maintaining roads. Trains offered a quicker way of getting across the country as cars constantly broke down. This is a sign of progress because while these transportation methods were mostly for the rich, they still existed and layed the groundwork for future innovations in transportation.
  • The Roaring 20s - Industrialization & Urbanization

    The Roaring 20s - Industrialization & Urbanization
    ECONOMIC In the early to mind '20s, a lot of industrialization and urbanization took place. It meant that it was getting more efficient and cheaper to produce items. Because new factories were opening up, that created job opportunities, so people looking for work would move to cities with factories in them. This would be a sign of progress because industrialization is important to manufacture new items and speed up the creation of new inventions.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    ECONOMIC 1929 was the start of the Great Depression. It started due to stock market crash in the USA which affected Canada because we are so closely tied to the states and our economy was resource based. This is a sign of decline because it created horrible situations for millions of people across the U.S. and Canada it took around 10 years to finally end.