Summative task 1 Brazil

  • 1500

    Discover Brazil

    Portuguese discover the land "Brazil"and say it is their area
  • 1822

    Dom Pedro I declares independence from Portugal ending three hundred years of Portuguese colonial ruler and becomes Brazil’s new emperor.
  • 1888

    Slavery abolished in Brazil causing problems in Europe
  • Republic

    Brazil proudly proclaims itself a republic.
  • New president

    Getúlio Vargas is elected new president of Brazil.
  • Getúlio Vargas

    Getúlio Vargas gained power after a coup led by military and political leaders.
  • Capital

    The capital city is now changed from Rio de Janeiro to the new city of Brasilia
  • President of Brazil

    Luiz Inacio Lula de Silva becomes Brazil’s president
  • First Women in Power

    First women to become Brazil's president, Dilma Rousseff
  • Prison

    Ex-president Lula da Silva is imprisoned for corruption, which means he can't run for president in October.
  • Current President

    Candidate Jair Bolsonaro wins presidential election and takes office in January 2019.