Summative assessment

  • Paleolithic age

    Paleolithic age
    Period of civilization: 2.5 millions ago until 10,000 B.C
    Location: from Africa until South America
    Religious perspective: animism
    2 main innovations or discoveries: They domesticated animals and they built houses.
    Social organization: No social organization in the Paleolithic age
    2 main activities: Hunting and domesticating animals
    Recorded language used: Painting drawing and cave paintings
  • Neolithic age

    Neolithic age
    Period of the civilization: 10,000 B.C - 5,000 B.C
    Location: The fertile crescent

    Religious perspective: They do rites related with the climate and crops
    2 main innovations or discoveries: agriculture, livestock, invention of writing, houses,
    Social organization: No social organization in the Neolithic age
    2 main activities: agriculture and livestock
    Recorded language used: Writing
  • Egyptian civilization

    Egyptian civilization
    Period of the civilization: 3,100 B.C -332 B.C
    Location : Next to the nile river in North Africa
    Religious perspective: They have many gods and goodness related with the climate and the crops
    2 main innovations or discoveries: exchange of culture and ideas, writing system, monumental architecture, continue with mathematics
    Social organization: according to their occupations
    2 main activities: agriculture and trading
    Recorded language used: hieroglyphic
  • Chinese civilization

    Chinese civilization
    Period of the civilization: 2,000 B.C- 220 B.C
    Location: China-Asia
    Religious perspective: Confucianism
    2 main innovations or discoveries: The tea, the graves, their weapons, the Great Wall of china.
    Social organization: Dynasties
    2 main activities: praise gods and contract somethings for them, and Agriculture
    Recorded language used: Written
  • Mesopotamia

    Period of the civilization: 5,000 B.C - 3,300 B.C
    Location: Fertile Crescent
    Religious perspective: They have many Gods and Goddess
    2 main innovations or discoveries: advance mathematics, the wheel, the chariot, a writing system called cuneiform

    Social organization:The king and nobility, the priests and priestesses, the upper class, the lower class, and the slaves
    2 main activities:Agriculture and domestication of animals
    Recorded language used: the cuneiform
  • India civilization

    India civilization
    Period of the civilization:7,000 B.C.E
    Location: South Asia
    Religious perspective: Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, and Sikhism
    2 main innovations or discoveries: mathematics, science, dentistry, and flush toilet systems.
    Social organization: Gods, Bahrain, kshatryia, vaishya, sudra, and the untouchables
    2 main activities: Religion, agriculture

    Recorded language use: written