
By Isaac.

    The photograph above displays Carlos Salinas de Gortari (Mexico), George W Bush (USA) and Brian Mulroney (Canada) overlook their minsters of trade signing the NAFTA agreement. In 1994, Canada, the USA and Mexico came together to form a free trade association called NAFTA. NAFTA would then go on to grow all three countries economically while also affecting their lower class citizens. Some of the benefits of NAFTA include: reduction of trade tariffs, increased exports and more jobs
  • 911

    The photograph above shows the planes flew by Al-Qaeda crashing into the word trade center in New York City. The impact of 911 was astronomical among countries worldwide. After 911 happened, the world took a big deep breath and security as a whole was set to a higher standard. After 911, things like passports and airport security were greatly enforced.
  • 2008 Residential school Apology

    2008 Residential school Apology
    In the photo above is prime minister Stephen Harper apologizing to the indigenous community about residential schools. His apology is notorious for not being very sincere and refraining from saying sorry. After the apology, the world recognized his lack of content and it showed in future years as not much change has happened since.
  • Viola Desmond being put on the $10 bill

    Viola Desmond being put on the $10 bill
    In the photo above lies the newest edition of the 10 dollar bill which was Viola Desmonds face on it. Viola Desmond being put on the 10 dollar bill was a huge step in the reconciliation of the Canadian government towards the black community. Viola was treated very poorly in the past therefore, this is a good change.
  • BLM movement

    BLM movement
    In the photo above is George Floyd being suffocated to death by former officer Derek Chauvin. In 2013 began the beginning the #BLM trend on social media and after the death of George Floyd the hashtag once again became popular. After the death of George Floyd, large rallies began to happen all around the world demanding change on the ongoing police brutality. The rallies progressively became more and more violent and they eventually became entry points for robbers to steal from local businesses