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Suffragettes Time Line

  • Protest at the parliament

    Emmeline Pankhurst arrested twice for initiating the protest.
  • Hunger strikes

    Arrested women went on hunger strikes to be considered political prisoners.The government then allowed prison staff to force feed the suffragettes.
  • MPs create a committee

    Members of the Parliament who wanted to give women the right to vote created a committee.
  • Protest at the Parliament

    Protest led by Emmeline. The police responded brutally.
  • Other protest

    Similar to the Nov. 10th one, over 150 people were arrested and Emmeline’s sister died from her injuries not long after.
  • WSPU start attacking private property

    Emmeline was arrested for smashing the prime minister’s windows in Downing Street.
  • Government drops the Manhood Suffrage Bill

  • Emmeline gets arrested for trying to give a petition to the King

    3 months after, WW1 begins
  • Female suffrage added to the new Act

    Representation of the People Act includes female suffrage for the 1st time.
  • Women are granted suffrage on equal terms to men.

    Emmeline passed away that year.