The Woman's Christian Temperance Union is founded.
The Woman Suffrage Amendment is introduced to Congress
The Suffrage Amendment is defeated in the Senate by 2 to 1
The NWSA and AWSA are united as the National American Woman Suffrage Association
Theodore Roosevelt's Bull Moose Party becomes the first national political party to adopt a woman suffrage plank.
The National Federation of Women's Clubs formally endorses suffrage.
Alice Paul and others form the National Woman's Party.
Jeanette Rankin of Montana becomes the first woman elected to the U.S. House of Representatives
Members of the National Woman's Party are arrested and jailed while picketing the White House.
The jailed suffragists are released; President Wilson declares support for suffrage; Suffrage Amendment passes the U.S. House.
The Suffrage Amendment passes the Senate on June 4th.
The 19 Amendment is ratified by Tennessee and becomes law.