7000 BCE
7000BC-Fertile Cresent-First Mesopotamian Farm Settlements
Every year when the floods came, silt (which was a mixture of tiny rocks and very rich soil) would come into Mesopotamia and other places which made the land to be farmed easier. Many crops were grown as in wheat, barley, and many grains. This cause of silt lead to a food surplus and the first civilization in the world. (pg. 55) -
Period: 7000 BCE to 2200 BCE
7000BC to 2200BC-China-The First People Before the Dynasties
Farmers started to grow rice in the middle of the Chang Jiang Valley. Land was able to grow more kinds of crops and those crops feed the livestock. (pg.162,163) -
3300 BCE
3300BC-Egypt-Writing Springs Up
Papyrus was created. The words that were written on the papyrus was hieroglyphics, one of the world's first writing systems. 600 symbols and more were involved in hieroglyphics with different pronunciations. (pg. 102) -
Period: 3200 BCE to 1050 BCE
3200BC to 1050BC-Egypt-The Egyptians
During this time, Egypt was united by Menes as a whole. (pg. 88, 89, 96, 97) -
3100 BCE
3100BC-Egypt-Menes Rises to Power
Menes was well known for unifying Upper and Lower Egypt. In doing so, the once separated crowns (which was one red for the lower part of Egypt and the white crown for the upper part of Egypt) were put together, which obviously showed a double crown that represented Egypt as a whole. Menes was considered as the first pharaoh in Egypt. While Menes ruled Egypt, he created the new capital city at the tip of the Southern Delta. It was named Memphis,
the center for politics and art. (pg. 89) -
Period: 3000 BCE to 2000 BCE
3000BC to 2000BC-Mesopotamia-Sumerians
The Sumerians were the first people who came to Mesopotamia. They occupied the city state of Sumer, which separated into either urban or rural areas. (pg.60 and 62) -
Period: 2700 BCE to 2200 BCE
2700BC to 2200BC-Egypt-Old Kingdom
This period of time was when the political system was created in Egypt. Because the current pharaoh was known as god and king who had to protect the Egyptians during any circumstance, they had to hire government officials to help them run things. The social structure in Egypt started with the pharaoh at the top, then the nobles (like officials and priests), then the scribes and craftspeople, then finally farmers, servants, and slaves. Emphasis on the afterlife was also very important. (pg. 91) -
2500 BCE
2500BC-Egypt-Khufu Comes to Power
Khufu was a cruel ruler in the Old Kingdom. According to historical records, the people of Egypt was fed well. Khufu was also well known for the monuments that were built for him. (pg. 91) -
Period: 2300 BCE to 1700 BCE
2300BC to 1700BC-India-Harrapan Civilization
The Harrapan Civilization started at the Indus River Valley. Food surpluses also sprung up in India. Fortunately, they had bathrooms indoor of the houses. High quality tools were used in India, helping people to build more buildings. Artisans created jewelry, ivory objects, clothing made out of cotton. It is unknown why the civilization ended. Maybe because of invasions. (pg. 126, 127, 128) -
Period: 2200 BCE to 220 BCE
2200BC to 220BC-China-Chinese Dynasties
The dynasties in this period of time were the Xia, Shang, Zhou, Qin, and Han. During this time was the Warring States Period happened. (pg. 163, 166, 168, 172, 178) -
Period: 2050 BCE to 1750 BCE
2050BC to 1750BC-Egypt-Middle Kingdom
The Middle Kingdom started when the pharaoh Mentuhotep II defeated his rivals. When the Old Kingdom declined, it was because of the power and wealth going down and the nobles fighting for power for 160 years. Food depleted, causing economic downfalls and famine. Around the end of the Middle Kingdom, Hyksos (a group from Southwest Asia) attacked. 200 years later, Ahmose of Thebes fought back and drove Hyksos out, then declared himself king. (pg. 96 and 97) -
2000 BCE
2000BC-India-The Aryans
The Aryans came from beyond the mountains from the northwest of India. As the Aryan civilization grew, the Caste System was invented. Whatever job your family had, you had to have. You could only marry and talk to the people in your varnas. If you interact with another varnas, it would have made you an untouchable. The caste system was very strict. Religion was very important to the Indians. (pg. 128, 129, 130, 131) -
Period: 2000 BCE to 300 BCE
2000BC to 300BC-Kush-Kush Kingdom
Because Kush's trade and wealth was powerful, Egypt feared Kush and sent an army to defeat and take over Kush. For 450 years Egypt took control of Egypt until the New Kingdom declined and Kush became independent again. (pg. 108, 109, 110, 111) -
Period: 2000 BCE to 130
2000BC to 130AD-Israel-The Hebrew/Jew People
The Hebrews were following the laws of Judaism. Traces lead back to Abraham when God told him to leave Mesopotamia and go to a land in the west (Canaan). (pg. 202, 203) -
Period: 2000 BCE to 1400 BCE
2000BC to 1400BC-Greece-The Minoans
The Minoans were very good at trading and sailing, leading them to be wealthy. Because of an eruption from a volcano in Crete, that could have been the reason why that civilization ended. (pg. 230) -
Period: 1800 BCE to 612 BCE
1800BC to 612BC-Fertile Cresent-Later People
This group of people were the Babylonians, Hittites, Kassites, Assyrians, Chaldeans and Phoenicians. (pg. 74, 75, 76, 77) -
1792 BCE
1792BC-Babylon (aka. Baghdad, Iraq)-Hammurabi Becomes King
Hammurabi was known as the greatest monarch of the kingdom. Hammurabi was not just intelligent in battle strategies, but he overlooked irrigation projects wisely. The tax collection system was also improved in Babylon thanks to their leader. Hammurabi was most well known in the set of rules/laws he created. It was known as the Hammurabi's Code. This was code brought equality to anyone, rich or poor. (pg. 72 and 73) -
Period: 1550 BCE to 1050 BCE
1550BC to 1050BC-Egypt-New Kingdom
This period brought great wealth to pharaohs through conquest and trade. Because Egyptian leaders feared invasions, they took over all possible roads and made an empire. Since Egypt's power was great, other kingdoms like Kush paid annual gold to keep good relations with the Egyptians. (pg. 97) -
Period: 1250 BCE to 1200 BCE
1250BC to 1200BC-Greece-Mycenaean People
These people influenced the Greek society. It was the Mycenaean People who spoke Greek, not the Minoans. While Minoans were sailing around, the Mycenaean were constructing fortresses all around the mainland of Greece. (pg. 231) -
1200 BCE
1200BC-Israel-The Exodus
The Exodus is basically the long journey the Israelites took to go out of Egypt. The leader of this journey was Moses, who God told to lead the people to the Promised Land. (pg. 203) -
965 BCE
Solomon, David's Son became king in 965BC. As a strong king, he expanded his kingdom and allied with Egypt and Phoenicia. Trading resulted in Solomon's kingdom with much wealth. Using that wealth, Solomon used it to build a temple for God. (pg. 205) -
600 BCE
600BC-India-Hinduism Develops
Hinduism, the belief in reincarnation and three major gods (Brahma, Siva, and Vishnu) became the main religion in India. Because not every followed and agreed with Hinduism teachings, Jainism (599 BC) and Sikhism (1400 AD) sprung up. (pg. 132, 133, 134, 135) -
Period: 600 BCE to 464 BCE
600BC to 464BC-Sparta-The Spartans
The Spartans were a harsh army with strong weapons. The whole of Sparta was basically dominated by the army. At the age of 7 boys would go to start training for the hardships they would endure when they become part of the army. The Athenians, who were plotting to defeat Sparta, failed and surrendered. In 464 BC, a volcano eruption took out the whole of Sparta. (pg. 266, 267, 268) -
563 BCE
563BC-India-Siddharta is Born
As he grew up as a rich and wealthy prince, Siddharta witnessed the suffering of the working people, knowing something was missing in his life. After wandering for several years, he sat down at the Tree of Wisdom and meditated. Later onward, he found the reasons of human suffering. After his enlightenment, he was named 'The Buddha' which meant "Enlightened One". (pg. 136,137) -
Period: 550 BCE to 480 BCE
550BC to 480BC-Persia-Persian Empire.
The major rulers of the Persian Empire was Cyrus the Great, Darius I, Cambyses, and Xerxes I. The Persian empire fell because during the Persian Wars, another people group Sparta, teamed up with the Athenians and defeated the Persians. (pg. 260, 261, 262, 263) -
500 BCE
500BC-Greece-Cleisthenes, the Father of Democracy
Because Cleinsthenes thought aristocrats had to much power, he gathered others to make a new form of government, democracy. (pg. 238, 239) -
481 BCE
481BC-China-Warring States Period
The Warring States Period happened during the Zhou Dynasty. This happened because the powerful nobles wanted to gain more territory and power from the Emperor/s. During this time there was no strong government to rule China. (pg. 168, 169) -
Period: 478 BCE to 30 BCE
478BC to 30BC-Athens-Athenians
When the Athenians attempted to conquer Sicily, the Spartans defeated them and they were forced to surrender to the Spartans. After the other city states fought against the Spartans, they fell and the Athenian Empire and army grew. The most important leader there was Alexander the Great, who controlled the world's largest empire.When alexander died, there was no heir for the leader's position, leading for the fight for power, which broke into Hellenistic Kingdoms. (pg. 270, 271, 272 273, 274) -
400 BCE
400 BC-Athens-Athenian Playwrights
The main plays in Athens were about the greek gods and heroes defeating their enemies. (pg. 280) -
221 BCE
221BC-China-Shi Huang Di Unifies China
Shi Huang Di, or "First emperor" unified China in 221 BC. Because Shi Huang Di strongly believed in legalism, his punishments and laws were harsh. He burned all the books that did not follow Legalism but the medicine, future, and farming books. Since his dynasty was very big (Qin Dynasty), he divided his dynasty into districts to make it easier to rule. different (pg. 172, 173) -
200AD-China-Buddhism is Introduced.
Because Confucianism and Daoism didn't help for finding the answers for peace for the Chinese, Buddhism provided the answers for peace. (pg. 188, 189) -
Jun 15, 1215
Past and Present-Magna Carta
The Magna Carta was signed in the year 1215. The Magna Carta is a set of laws that was created even for the king, who was not above the law. This created fairness for everyone and the king. Because the Magna Carta was created and signed in 1215, it partially influences the British Government today. -
Period: to
Past and Present-Fauvism
Fauvism is one of the ways artists like Henri Matisse, or Albert Marquet shared their ways of art. This way of art is to show the bright colors of paint and the brush strokes that look like if someone almost attacked the canvas. Fauvism had influenced modern day society as there is new paintings rising up with fauvism in it. -
Past and Present-9/11
On the 9th of September, 2001, 9 Al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four commercial airlines. Two were lead to the suicide attack of the World Trade Towers, one was lead to a field in Pennsylvania, and one was lead to Pentagon in Washington D.C. This has lead modern day society to be more careful ever since this attack. Security levels have been raised and certain people have been restricted to enter certain countries. -
Past and Present-Drug Lord, Joaquin Guzman found
On the 8th of January, the Mexican President anounces that they have found the Drug Lord, "El Chapo", 6 months after he escapes from prison. This has raised and tightened security levels with drugs and prisoners.