
Stuff timeline

  • Period: to

    India ends economic isolation

    India ended their economic isolation
  • Fall of The Berlin Wall

    Fall of The Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall was physically tore down
  • First website created

    First website created
    Tim Berners-Lee creates the first website
  • Fall of The Soviet Union

    Fall of The Soviet Union
    The Soviet Union was disperced
  • First SMS text sent

    First SMS text sent
    First SMS text message sent
  • Netscape goes public

    Netscape goes public
    The Internet was created
  • Y2K

    All computers around the world were supposed to crash
  • 9/11

    Terrorists attacked the World Trade Center
  • China joins the WTO

    China joins the WTO
    China joins the World Trade Orginization
  • Operation Iraqi Freedom

    Operation Iraqi Freedom
  • Facebook Created

    Facebook Created
    the most useless thing in the world
  • Youtube created

    Youtube created
  • Tweeter was created

    Tweeter was created
    Tweet tweet
  • Wal*Mart becomes worlds largest retailer

    Wal*Mart becomes worlds largest retailer
    Wal*Mart. crap.
  • The Arab Spring

    The Arab Spring
    Revolutionary wave of riots and protests
  • Completion of an around the world Fiber Optic Cable.

     Completion of an around the world Fiber Optic Cable.
    The first global Fiber Optic Cable was finished