Studying in times of Covid, before and after

  • Tasks

    The number of tasks were normal, we have the explanations and group activities that was more and we use more time of class in this than in the tasks.
  • Group meetings for homeworks

    Group meetings for homeworks
    The members of a working group meet to make homeworks together in one member house or a library and everything was normal.
  • Class schedule

    Class schedule
    Was 6 hours of classes or less and half an hour of recess and they were divided into that normally it was 1 hour and in some cases it was 2 hours for a subject and after 3 hours recess was given and then we returned for others 3 hours of class and then we went out to house.
  • Events in the school

    Events in the school
    Events are held at school like in Independence Day, Talent Show or Spelling Bee. These were made most of the time with one event for every journey but sometimes it was one for both journeys at the same time.
  • Presence in class

    Presence in class
    It was compulsory to attend classes inside the school since it was the only place where they had the ability to teach and everything was carried out normally.
  • Use of electronic devices

    Use of electronic devices
    This use was only when in a class we see a video on the TV or the projector, when we needed a calculator and when we need computers for an investigation or to make a task
  • School hygiene

    School hygiene
    The school members were very responsible with their personal hygiene and the cleanliness of the school was total without any exaggeration, it was not the cleanest but it was very clean and tidy.
  • Feeding

    The students had time to eat at recess and could bring food from home, buy in school stores or the feeding that was provided by the school.
  • Quantity of students in the school

    Quantity of students in the school
    Most of the students were everyday inside the school on their journeys (with the journeys divided into one for secondary and one for primary)
  • Tours in the school

    Tours in the school
    You could walk around the school at the recess or when a teacher needed you to go to other place or to help in a school event.
  • Tasks

    The whole study is focused on the tasks, we only receive tasks and an explanation online of how to do it andthe class isn't as varied as it was before.
  • Group meetings for homeworks

    Group meetings for homeworks
    We can't be together to do group works due to the pandemic and everything must be through chats and calls to carry out our task.
  • Class schedule

    Class schedule
    The schedule is very short now, we have 1 hour for each class and there are around 1 to 4 classes a day with a 10-15 minutes break between each one.
  • Events in the school

    Events in the school
    As we are all having classes from home and due to the risk of contagion we cannot meet, so there's not event except the science fair which is virtually.
  • Presence in class

    Presence in class
    Any student can attend school at the moment to avoid getting infected, so we only have online clas or physical tasks.
  • Use of electronic devices

    Use of electronic devices
    This use is too much and so important since for these we can enter our classes, do our homework, send our homeworks and see information that our teachers and directors send us.
  • School hygiene

    School hygiene
    Now that some of us return to school, good cleaning and hygiene in the school and in its members is very important and it is being much more excessive and strict.
  • Feeding

    The food inside the school is very little since the shops and the restaurant are closed and there are no break but you can bring food with the condition of not sharing with your classrooms and not taking food scraps home.
  • Quantity of students in school

    Quantity of students in school
    There are few of us who attend school now, as around 15 and 20 who can go are divided into 2 groups and every day one of these groups will go to school which is about 7 to 10 student.
  • Tours in the school

    Tours in the school
    There is very little route that we can do at school now, we can only go directly to our classroom and then to the exit since unnecessary routes increase the risks of get infected as than as the risk of infecting someone else.