Studies Of Religion - Module 3

  • 350

    Judaism - Orthodoxy

    What is it? Orthodox is the branch of Judaism. Orthodoxy believes that both the written and oral torah are of divine origin, containing the exact words of God without any human influence. It is the approach to Judaism, which adheres to the traditional interpretation and application of laws and commandments of the torah. Orthodox Jews are also known as “observant Jew”.
  • Mar 5, 1054

    Christian - Orthodoxy

    What is it? Orthodoxy is the branch of Christianity. Orthodoxy involves believing in particular norms and creeds in religion. In a general sense Orthodoxy is being able to conform with to Christian faith or Jewish faith. Orthodoxy is the concept of pure faith, human commitments and a release from priests and the patriarchs. In orthodoxy people do not believe in priests-popes or another human being, in Orthodoxy peoples sins are forgiven through the holy mystery of the confession, which is done f
  • Mar 5, 1534


    Anglicanism is known as the Church of England, which had developed from the background of the Catholic Church in England known to us as (Roman catholic). It was established in the sixteenth century during the supremacy of Henry the VII,due to the main reasons through the influence of theological and political ones. Anglicans do not follow the Pope and are Protestant in most areas of doctrine. They have different beliefs on how the Eucharist and sacraments should be understood, the role of sacram
  • Protestantism

    The ideas behind the protestant reformation were simple. The church should be changed or reformed so that it was less greedy, fairer and accessible to all people not just the rich and well educated. unique features-
    These denominations developed unique Christian traditions out of the theology of their founders.
    Protestants believe in the transcendence of God.
    Protestantism is less liturgical and sacramental than Catholicism.
    Protestantism places more emphasis on preaching the word of Jesus.
  • Pentacostalism

    Pentecostalism is a branch of conservative Protestantism within Christianity. They believe in the physical demonstration of the Holy Spirit, which is signified by speaking in strange languages through the inspiration of an event that took place 50 days after the death of Christ known to us as Pentecost. Pentecostalism is based on a key event in the life of the early Christians: the baptism of the twelve disciples by the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. These Pentecostal church
  • Judaism Conservative-

    The bible to them is the word of god and man.
    The concept of their god is non -dogmatic and is flexible.
    Their belief is that man is in one partnership with god.
    The conservative Jews do not believe in the nature of sin.
    They tend towards the reform Jew belief, but also maintain Jewish identity.
    They believe that adaptations to contemporary situations is inevitable.
    They have the same belief as reform Jews about the Messiah.
    They also have same though of life after death as reform Jews but are l
  • Judaism Reform

    They believe in the Torah but also believe in the continuous revelation process.
    The people of Judaism reform allow a varied interpretation of the god concept with a wide latitude for naturalists.
    They believe that Man's nature is naturally good,through their education,encouragement and evolution.
    The reform Jews do not believe in original sin,as it is known to them as the ill of society.
    They believe that salvation is given through the betterment of self and society.
    They believe that their law
  • Catholicism

    What is Catholicism ?
    Catholicism is the faith, practice, and church order of the Roman Catholic Church.
    Unique Features
    - SEVEN SACRAMENTS … Jesus Christ instituted the sacraments. There are seven: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance, the Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders and Matrimony.
    - Apostolic Succession The uninterrupted transmission of spiritual authority from the Apostles through successive popes and bishops etc.
    - Communion of Saints A fellowship between Christians living and de