Lucy christmas 2018 (3)

Sam the Student

  • Preschool

    And so begins my quest for learning: preschool.
  • Middle-of-Nowhere-Kansas

    I was born and raised in a small Kansas town, where I went to high school with 60 of my peers.
  • Lake Erie College

    Lake Erie College
    I chose to go to college far from home and ended up at Lake Erie College in Painesville, OH.
  • University College Dublin

    University College Dublin
    While I wasn't my most productive "student" self while I was studying abroad, I learned a lot while living in Ireland for a semester.
  • Graduation... Then More School

    Graduation... Then More School
    As soon as I graduated from LEC, I started my graduate program at Canisius College in Buffalo, NY
  • Canisius College

    Canisius College
    I wasn't sad to say goodbye to Buffalo! Great people... awful weather.
  • Still a Student...

    Still a Student...
    ... this time, at OSU! All that's left between me and a PhD in Higher Education is a pesky dissertation.