

By ethan27
  • what is the important dates of streaming

    what is the important dates of streaming
    the first date is June 24, 1993 which is for music and live streaming
  • what happed in 1995

    The things that happy in 1995, was made for the first player capable of live streaming
  • this is what made streaming big

    this is what made streaming big
    1997 is when they started programs for the video streaming
  • The things that being youtube

    The things that being youtube
    2008 is when they made Youtube and the person that streamed it was from San Franciso and Tokyo.
  • what made big streams famouse

    what made big streams famouse
    2011 they made twitch and t is made for streaming video games
  • Is when streamers can multiple streame at once

    2014 is when it was for content creators to make their way to become famous and can live stream because they could also multiple platforms at once
  • This is when Twitter was made

    This is when Twitter was made
    2015 is when Twitter was also made for video streaming
  • when Facebook was not before twitter

    2016 is when Facebook and you also can live stream on the services
  • background

    It can help you grow to be famous like a lot of famous people and it can help you go to a different place in the world and place