Black Holes
Black holes in general are pretty weird. Some Theroies on how they are made are, when a big star reaches the end of its life time and collapes into a black hole. -
Spitting Black Holes
Scientists only thought that black holes can suck in stuff, but apparently not, the black hole H1743-322 shoots out gas bullets superfast. This black hole is 10 times the mass of the sun and 28,000 light-years from Earth. -
Spinning Black Hole
Some black holes spin, the GRS 1915+105 does. It is 35,000 light-years from Earth. This one spins 333 million mph. -
Rogue Black Hole
SDSSJ0927+2943 is a rogue black hole roaming around the Milky Way. It is not part of any solar system. -
Middle sized Black Hole
There are 3 types of black holes, the HLX-1 is a middle sized one that is about 290 million light years from earth. It is about 20,000 solar masses in size. -
Smallest Black Hole
The IGR J17091-3624 black hole is less than 3 times the suns mass. It is one of the smallest black holes. -
Two Black Holes Really Close To Each Other
With one hole 30 million times the mass of the sun and the other at least 1 million, these 2 black holes are 490 light years away from each other in the universe, NGC3393. -
Biggest Black Hole
One of the biggest black holes is 250 million light years from Earth. Its mass is the same as 17 suns. It is called NGC 1277. -
Oldest Black Hole
The black hole ULAS J1120+0641 is the oldest black hole on record, it was born 770 million years after the Big Bang occurred. It is 2 billion times the mass of the sun.