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Story of Annie Hogan

  • Birth

    I was born September 13, 1858 in Foxford, Ireland. I have a mother, a father, and six brothers. My brothers and I were always running around and having fun. My parents made sure we had a good childhood; we were always fed and always had shelter. We were poor, but we were happy. I hope by going to America that I will gain a new life. I'm writing this so I remember my journey on this new adventure!
  • A Long Boat Ride

    A Long Boat Ride
    We travelled across Ireland to the docks that held the boats that will take my brothers and I to a new land. We are loaded on and put into steerage. Three of our neighbors came with us. The ship is crowded. It's hard to breath in the bottom of the boat. There is filth everywhere, I feel uncomfortable here. This is my new home for about twelve days. Between the six of us, my three neighbors, my two brothers, and I, we share three beds. We were lucky some people have to sleep on the floor.
  • Arriving

    We arrived a little after noon to Ellis Island. We are on the deck of the ship and looking at the city. I here excited shouts of many different languages. After trekking hundreds of miles I am finally here. We go past workers building what looks like a statue base. We were then held on the ship for four hours. Health officers finally got to us and checked us for any disease. We then took a small ferry boat to the main buildings.
  • Finally Free

    Finally Free
    We spent the night at this new place and in the moring we are registered. We were once again checked for any disease. The line was very long and we had to stand the whole time. It was hot and too many people were in this building. After the physical inspection we went through a legal inspection. After that I was exhausted and my brothers and I walked out to the Kissing Post. Our Uncle Ray who came here a few years ago came and got us.
  • New Life

    New Life
    It has been four months since I got here. I have a job in a factory with a bunch of other girls. Some are rude and racist to me, but I just ignore them. I have made several friends since I arrived here. One in a native-born American and the other two are Polish. I work with them. We work fifthteen hours a day for $9.50 a week. My native-born American gets $17 dollars a week. I'm exhausted and where I live is filthy. They call it a slum. I'm still adjusting to my new life here, but I like it here
  • My Success in a New World

    My Success in a New World
    I am still living in New York. I have has success, I have my own apartment in a cleaner part of the city. I have opened my own business and it is thriving. A year ago one of my brothers passed away from a fever going around the city. The other one is a construction worker. To the brother that passed away I have dontated one of my three buildings to him. I am very happy with my choice of coming to America.