'Stop Sex Trafficking of Children & Young People campaign' Petition Timeline and Correspondence with Government
By sarah_firth
Community Attitudes Survey
Child Wise with our campaign partner, The Body Shop, conducted an in-store survey on Community Attitudes towards Child Sex Trafficking over a two week period during first year of the 'Stop Sex Trafficking of Children & Young People' campaign. During this time a total of 17,949 Australian's participated in the survey. -
Survey Report launched
The findings of the 2009 survey were released in the 'Community Attitudes on Sex Trafficking of Children & Young People Survey Report' . This report highlighted the key issues regarding the Australian community's awareness and concern of the sex trafficking of children and young people. (73% of respondents believed the Australian Government should do more to tackle the issue). The launch was celebrated in Bourke Street, Melbourne with hundreds of supporters and performances by Blue King Brown. -
'Stop Sex Trafficking of Children & Young People' Petition Launched
The 'Stop Sex Trafficking of Children & Young People' campaign petition was launched both in-store and online. It ran until December 2010, and was supported by over 225,000 Australians, who demanded that the Government take more action both to raise awareness about the issue and fund grassroots programs to prevent child sex trafficking. -
Period: to
In-store and Online Petition
The 'Stop Sex Trafficking of Children & Young People' petition was available for members of the community to sign both in-store at The Body Shop and online. The signatures gathered on the Australian petition also form part of a global petition to 'Stop Sex Trafficking of Children & Young People' to be presented to the United Nations in 2011. -
Initial letter regarding the petition sent to Kevin Rudd
An initial letter regarding the ‘Stop the Sex Trafficking of Children and Young People Campaign’ petition was sent to Kevin Rudd, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, requesting him to table the petition in the House of Representatives. Unfortunately, Child Wise received no response from the Minister. -
Handover of petitions to Adam Bandt MP and meetings with MPs in Parliament
Child Wise and our campaign partner, The Body Shop, handed over the quarter of a million petitions to Adam Bandt MP to be tabled in the House of Representatives.
While in Parliament House, Child Wise and The Body Shop also held meetings with an Advisor from Rudd's office, a rep from AusAid, Julie Bishop (LP) and Brendan O'Connor (ALP) regarding recommendations developed from the petition. A joint media conference with Adam Bandt was also held and streamed live in ABC News 24. -
Petition Officially Tabled in Parliament
The petition was officially tabled in Parliament by Adam Bandt, the Federal Member for Melbourne. Child Wise are proud to announce that this petition remains one of the largest petitions ever to be tabled in Parliament. -
Letter regarding petition sent to Brendan O'Connor
A letter regarding the recommendations developed from the 'Stop Sex Trafficking of Children & Young People' petition, was sent to Brendan O'Connor, Minister for Home Affairs and Justice. This letter suggested that the Minister consider funding an ongoing public education campaign that highlights the strengthening of laws on child sex tourism and how Australians can report suspicions or concerns of travelling child sex offenders. -
Concept Paper sent to Kevin Rudd & Advisors
Child Wise sent 'At Risk' concept paper to Kevin Rudd and his advisors. This paper outlined a community-based, grassroots model to protect children directly vulnerable to sex trafficking. As the current Government program concerning this issue focuses on law enforcement and strengthening the criminal justice system, Child Wise reinforced the need for holistic, preventative programs that directly assist children and communties in S.E.Asia who are 'at risk' of being trafficked or exploited. -
Concept paper sent to all MP'S and Senators
Child Wise sent our 'At Risk' concept paper to all Federal Members and Senators in the Upper and Lower Houses of Parliament. -
Letters sent by Child Wise regarding lack of Government response
Due to lack of adequate response from the Government to the petition tabled in March, Child Wise sent letters to all MPs and Senators, highlighting Government inaction. -
Brendan O'Connor responds to letter
Minister O'Connor responds to Child Wise's letter. This letter highlights the Government's current measures to raise awareness of child sexual exploitation offenses and laws in Australia. Child Wise remains firm that current efforts are not effectively tackling the issue. -
Kevin Rudd makes formal response
Kevin Rudd formally responds to The Standing Committee on Petitions about the petition of quarter of a million people asking for greater Government efforts to combat child sex trafficking
(we received a copy in a letter from the standing committee on 30 May from The Standing Committee on Petitions) -
Government responds through AusAid
A representative from AusAid responds to Child Wise's 'At Risk' concept paper on behalf of Kevin Rudd and Prime Minister Julia Gillard. The response states that by addressing the Millennium development goals and the funding of other regional projects, the Government are adequately tackling the issue. -
Email correspondence with Kevin Rudd's office
An email was sent to Kevin Rudd's office reinforcing the need for Government action concerning the recommendations developed from the petition. Rudd's office was also notified of the continuation of the 'Stop Sex Trafficking of Children & Young People' campaign into its third year. -
Submission for 'Crime Prevention Grant'
Child Wise made a submission for a 'Crime Prevention Grant' to fund the 'Stop Sex Trafficking of Children & Young People' petition's national education campaign. The proposed project involves a broad-scale education campaign to help raise the awareness of the Australian public (and especially those in the travel industry) about Australian child sex trafficking legislation and how to report suspicions of child sex tourism. -
2011 launch of campaign and continuation of in-store advocacy
The 'Stop Sex Trafficking of children & Young People' campaign will continue into its third year with the launch of a new sized 'Soft Hands, Kind Hearts' hand cream. 100% of proceeds are going to Child Wise to protect and prevent child sexual abuse and exploitation in Cambodia.