Stonewall Jackson by Charlie Buckner

  • The War of 1812

    The War of 1812
    America declarees war on England after multiple conflicts with the two nations.
  • The War of 1812 ends

    The War of 1812 ends
    The War of 1812 ends putting the British entirly out of U.S. conflicts permenatly.
  • Napoleans war ended

    Napoleans war ended
    The Napoleonic War ended with the second Treaty of Paris putting an end to Napoleans Empire.
  • Stonewall Jackson is born

    Stonewall Jackson is born
    Thomas Jackson or "Stonewall" Jackson was born in Clarksburg, Virginia.
  • Stonewall Jackson is orphaned

    Stonewall Jackson is orphaned
    Stonewall Jackson is sent to live with his uncle after his mother remarries and can't afford to take care of him. His mother then dies shortly afterwards.
  • Stonewall Jackson is accepted into West Point Military Academy

    Stonewall Jackson is accepted into West Point Military Academy
    After working very hard in his studies after losing his parents Jackson is accepted into his favorite school.
  • Jackson is asigned to his first action

    Jackson is asigned to his first action
    Jackson is assigned to company K the 1st U.S.artillery to go fight in the Mexican war. Although in the first six months in Mexico they were placed on reserves Jackson finally saw action and rose three ranks in seven months.
  • Jackson becomes a profesor at West Point

    Jackson becomes a profesor at West Point
    After the U.S. Mexican war stonewall Jackson became a profesor in Natural and expiremental philosophy. Jackson was a stern teacher though and did not lend help to students easliy in return he earned the nickname "Tom Fool."
  • South Carolina secedes

    South Carolina secedes
    The citizens from S.C. vote to secede from the Union and around a year later fire the shots at Fort Sumter.
  • The Battle of Fort Sumter

    The Battle of Fort Sumter
    After refusing to leave what was now South Carolinas "new country" Major anderson and his men at Fort Sumter were fired upon at 4:30am for 34 hgours straight. After a hard pounding Major Anderson surrendered and returned North with his shattered flag.
  • Virginia secedes

    Virginia secedes
    Virginia citizens vote to secede from the Union and then joins the C.S.A as its own country.
  • Jackson is appointed General brigader of his own company

    Jackson is appointed General brigader of his own company
    Jackson is appointed Brigader General of the 1st virginia brigade after the shots were fired at Fort Sumter. Although Jackson favored preservation of the Union he sided with his home state which suceeded a little time after Fort Sumter.
  • Jackson begins fighting in the First Battle of Bull Run

    Jackson begins fighting in the First Battle of Bull Run
    The fight for manassas or Bull run begins as the first real battle in the Civil War. Jackson soon prooves himself as confederate ranks begin to crumble he assembles his men ordering them to stand strong and tough to hold the line. Brigade Gen. Barnard Eliiot Bee Jr. sees jackson and shouts to his men "Look at Jackson standing like a stonewall let us rally behind the Virginians!" After this event Jackson was forever known as "stonewall" Jackson leader of the "stonewall. brigade.
  • Jacksons Valley campaign starts

    Jacksons Valley campaign starts
    After suffering a strong defeat at the Battle of Kernstown Jackson got a hold of himself and began winning battle after battle dominating the union in this campaign and earning much publicity
  • Jackson ends the Valley campaign

    Jackson ends the Valley campaign
    Jackson links up with the other bulk of his army and in an amazing victory at teh Battle of Port Republic.
  • Jackson Death

    Jackson Death
    After being shot by his on sentury Jacksons arm is soon infected and dies 8 days later.
  • Battle of Jackson

    Battle of Jackson
    A little while after Jackson dies Grant and the U.S. army begin the push towards jackson the home of all confederate war factories. A confederate force under Joseph E. Johnston and John Gregg was determined to stop Grant and clashed with the union just outside of the city. Johnston's and john's were defeated in the battle forcing them to retreat and allowing the union to start the seige of Vicksburg.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    The Battle of Gettysburg, lasting 3 days, was known as the turning point in the war was fought between to large forces of Confederate and Union soldiers. It was the bloodiest battle in the Civil War with an amazing amount of 46,286 casualties combined. After the Confederates defeat the war had instantly tipped in the Unions favor and lewft the Confederates very demoralized.
  • The Confederacy surrenders

    The Confederacy surrenders
    Lee surrenders to Grant at Appamatox Court House marking the end to the Civil War.
  • Lincoln is shot

    Lincoln is shot
    While at fords theater an actor John Wilks Booth snuck in to the presidents box form behind and shoots him in the head with a derringer pistol. Lincoln would die early next morning.