Stoneking Psychology History

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    Biological/ Neuroscience

    Charles Darwin
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    Charles Darwin
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    Wihelm Wundt is the founder of scientifi psychology.
    Structuralists hoped to analyze experiences into basic "elements" or "Building blocks".
  • Wilhelm Wundt

    Wilhelm Wundt
    Structuralism was an attempt to study the mental world with introspectio. Attempt to use the data to fit into the mechanical realm of scirence. This theory was not successful. Introspectors could not agree on the data.
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    William James
    Early persepctive concerned with how organsm use its perceptual abilies to its environment.
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    Psychianalysis/ Psychidynamic

    Sigmund Freud
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    John Watson abserved the relationship between stimuli and an animals responses.
    The study of different behaviors.
  • Pavlov Dogs

    Pavlov Dogs
    Introduced a variety of edible and non-edible items and measure the saliva that the items produced. Salivation is a reflexive process. It occurs automatically in response to a specific stimulus and is not under conscious control. He got the dogs to produce saliva at the sound of a bell.
  • Cognition

    Piaget's theory consist of four stages. The Sensorimotor stage, the Preoperational stage, the Concrete Operational stage, and the Formal Operational stage. Children go through these stages as they develope complex reasoning skills.
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    Jean Piaget
  • Joh Watson "Little Albert"

    Joh Watson "Little Albert"
    Watson experimented on a 9 month old child that he named "Little Albert".He exposed the child to a stimuli including a white rat, a rabbit, a monkey, masks and burning newspapers and observed the boy's reactions. The boy initially showed no fear of any of the objects he was shown. Later they made a loud noise as they showed him the objects. He became scared everytime he saw the objects after he was conditioned.
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    Abraham Mallow
  • Bobo Doll experiment

    Bobo Doll experiment
    Arranged for 24 boys and girls to watch a model beat up a doll and then are sent in the room separately. All of the children reacted by mocking what the model did.
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    L.S. Vygotsky
  • L.S. Vygotsky

    L.S. Vygotsky
    Emphasized the influence of culture, peers, and adults on the developing children.He studied the difference in achilds performance when attempting a problem on her own compared with when an adult provides assistance, There are three main stages; Stage of Syncretism, Stage of the Formation of complexes, and the Stage of potential concepts formation. There are also five substages.
  • Genie

    A girl was found tied to a potty chair in her home. They later found out that she was never able to socialize. The discovery of Genie leads to studies of language development. The study of Genie created a debate about language development. Both parents were charged with abuse, but Genie's father committed suicide the day before he was due to appear in court.
  • Pavlov Psychopathology

    Pavlov Psychopathology
    Published his book on Psychopatholgy and Pschistry.