
Stolen Generation & Indigenous Rights

  • Freedom Rides

    Freedom Rides
    In February 12, 1965 in New South Wales, a group of University students formed a protest for Aboriginal Rights. The students formed a group called SAFA (Student Action for Aboriginals. The "Freedom Riders" was led by Charles Perkins, the first Aboriginal to graduate from an Australian Univesity.
  • Wave Hill Walk Off

    Wave Hill Walk Off
    The Wave Hill Walk Off began on the 23rd of August, 1996 and occured in response of Aboriginal people not being paid their weekly wage from the British Vestey Company, so they walked off the job. It also made obvious the need for Aboriginal Rights, later the Gurindji people would protest led by Vincent Lingiari in 1967.
  • The Referendum

    The Referendum
    Land rights for the Gurindji people was rejected by the Liberal Government of Harold Holt, but decided to include Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders in the cencus that year which would be known as "The Referendum". There was a lot of confusion because different states in Australia had different laws, for example what Aboriginals could do in Vic they could get arrested for in NSW.
  • Aboriginal Tent Embassy

    Aboriginal Tent Embassy
    On the 26th of January, 1972 an Aboriginal Tent Embassy was established out the front of Australian Parliament, and was caused by the slow progression on the Indigenous land rights debate. They also demanded for other rights such as; legal and title rights to land, a $6 000 000 000 payment for land that was destroyed and persevation of sacred Indigenous land. The demands were disregarded, tents removed and many protestors were arrested. Although the tent embassy was re-established in 1992.
  • Whitlam Government Returns Land To The Gurindji People

    Whitlam Government Returns Land To The Gurindji People
    the Gurindji people had been protesting against Vestey’s since 1966. Their protest was beginning to be ineffective.
    Then when the Whitlam Government was in power, they bought land for the Gurindji people, and on the 16th Ausgust, 1975, a ceremony was held in order to celebrate the giving back of the land to the Gurindji people.
  • Mabo Case Ruling In The High Court

    Mabo Case Ruling In The High Court
    In the high court of Australia, a group of Torres Strait Islanders led by Eddie Mabo, won the court case allowing them to have their land rights back, and they were back in control of the land they owned before the Europeon settlement. In December 1993 Mabo's new law of the Native Title Act was established in Australia's law
  • Bringing Them Home Report

    Bringing Them Home Report
    The Brining them home report was written in order of respect to acknowledge the thousands of Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders that were affected by the harsh reality of the stolen generation, and its impact on their families, culture, rights, etc.