Truscott mugshot

Steven Truscott Case

  • Date of Murder

    Steven Truscott, 14, takes his classmate Lynne Harper, 12, on a short bicycle ride near an air force base outside Clinton, Ont., about 180 km west of Toronto.
  • Body Found

    Searchers find Harper's body in a nearby wood. She had been raped and strangled.
  • Steven Truscott is Arrested

    Police arrest Truscott.
  • Charged

    Police charge Truscott in Harper's murder.
  • Sentenced to Death

    After 15-day trial, a jury finds Truscott guilty and he is sentenced to death.
  • No More Death Penalty

    The death penalty is commuted to life imprisonment.
  • Spring of 1966

    Isabel LeBourdais's The Trial of Steven Truscott questions the quick police investigation and trial procedures. The book sparks a public uproar and leads the federal government to ask for a Supreme Court review.
  • Truscott Goes Public First Time

    Truscott goes public for the first time, proclaiming his innocence in a documentary broadcast on the CBC's The Fifth Estate. The program unveils new evidence to suggest that police may have been too hasty in pinning the death on Truscott.