Steven Avery Case

  • Motion to Supplement the Record

    Motion to Supplement the Record
    Zellner filed a Motion to Supplement Previously Filed Motion for Post-Conviction Relief. This comes after the 2nd District Court of Appeals of Wisconsin’s order allow him to, “purse a supplemental postconviction motion in connection with Avery’s receipt of previously withheld discovery or other new information.”
  • First Motion for DNA Testing of Bones

    Kathleen Zellner filed a motion to test the bones left in a Manitowoc County gravel pit to prove that Avery was framed in the murder of Teresa Halbach. In the motion she asked the Appellate Court to remand the case for this scientific testing to take place. She added that the specific testing she intends to do differs from previous tests because it “works rapidly” and “has the ability to gather more data than traditional DNA testing.”
  • New Scientific Testing Denied

    The first motion for the DNA testing of the bones found was denied by the Wisconsin Court of Appeals. Zellner claims that the appellate court wants to resolve the issues on Avery's current appeal before the new issue re: bone testing is addressed. The state claims if Avery wins appeal, bone testing may become unnecessary.
  • Second Motion for DNA Testing of Bones

    Zellner filed a second motion, after a previous one was quickly denied. This asserts the state violated Avery's 14th amendment rights by denying DNA testing and failing to inform Avery's prior legal council that the bones would be returned to Halbach's family. The motion argues this amounts to an attempt by the state to "destroy evidence" in the case. The decision to give the bones to the Halbach family is in violation of Wisconsin's "preservation statute".
  • Letter to Wisconsin Court of Appeals

    Kathleen Zellner submitted a letter to the Wisconsin Court of Appeals stating that "never-before disclosed ledger sheets" have now come to light that indicate the bones in question were returned to the Halbach family – something she says the defence were not aware of and that violates Avery's rights.
  • Motion Granted

    The appellate court granted the motion regarding Zellner's new evidence that the State has destroyed material evidence by giving the bones back to the Halbach family. The case is being remanded back to the circuit court to conduct proceedings, which can include a hearing. The circuit court can grant a new trial, or if not, back to appellate court who can reverse the conviction and/or grant a new trial.
  • Convicted Killer Confesses

    Convicted Killer Confesses
    Joseph Evans Jr., who is serving a life imprisonment for mudering his wife, has claimed to have also murdered Teresa Halbach. He sent a letter dated September 18, 2019 to Kathleen Zellner taking sole responsibility for Halbach's death. Evans Jr claims to have accidentally hit Halbach with his car, resulting in her hitting her head on a large rock. He also claims that he framed Avery and is now ready to confess.
  • Requesting New Trial

    Requesting New Trial
    Kathleen Zellner filed a 135-page document to the Wisconsin Appeals Court District II that asks the court for a new trial. In the document, she reiterates her theory and claims that Avery did not receive satisfactory counsel during the previous trial.
  • 49-Page Brief Filed

    Kathleen Zellner responded to the State of Wisconsin in a 49-page brief, where she names Bobby Dassey as a leading suspect in the muder of Teresa Halbach. The state has been campaigning against Avery's request for a new evidentiary hearing, so Zellner issued a response explaing why Avery has ample material to submit as new evidence.
  • Brady Motion Filed

    Kathleen Zellner filed a Brady motion in the Manitowoc County court. A new witness named Thomas Sowinski claimed to have seen Bobby Dassey pushing a blue Rav-4 alongside another unidentified man. At the time, Sowinski was delivering newspapers to the Avery property on the morning of November 5, 2005, the day Halbach's car was found by authorities. Sowinski claimed he reported the sighting to police after he heard about the discovery of Halbach's car but was told police already knew who did it.