Steven Avery

  • Zellner Files Motion to Test DNA Evidence

    Avery's lawyer, Kathleen Zellner, files a motion to test bone fragments found in Avery's fire pit.
  • Motion for DNA Testing Denied

    Avery's motion to test the DNA of the bone fragments is denied.
  • Second Motion for DNA Testing

    Avery submits a second motion to allow for the DNA testing.
  • Second Motion for DNA Testing Granted

    The second motion to allow for DNA testing of the bone fragments is granted.
  • Avery Files Motion for Post-Conviction Relief

    Avery Files Motion for Post-Conviction Relief
    Zellner filed a motion for Post-Conviction Relief based on the DNA evidence presented by the bone fragments, alleging that prosecutors attempted to hide evidence by returning the fragments to the Halbach family.
  • Motion for Post-Conviction Relief Denied

    The motion for post-conviction relief is denied on the grounds that the defense hasn't met the required burden to support their claims. Though the state claimed that they believed the bones belonged to Teresa, that does not automatically make them so.
  • Appellant Brief is Filed for Avery

    Appellant Brief is Filed for Avery
    Brief for an appeal is filed. Lists the denial of motion for DNA evidence, as well as other claims made by Avery that were ignored, as the reasons for a new trial.
  • Previous Court's Judgment is Upheld

    The appellate court upheld the circuit court's judgment, finding that there was not a sufficient reason for an evidentiary hearing to be held.
  • Avery Files for Review by Wisconsin Supreme Court

    Avery Files for Review by Wisconsin Supreme Court
    Avery's counsel files a petition requesting review by the Wisconsin Supreme Court, alleging that Avery was treated harsher than others and that the state destroyed evidence.
  • Wisconsin Supreme Court Denies the Petition

    The Wisconsin Supreme Court denied Avery's petition to have the case reviewed.
  • Motion Filed for Another Post-Conviction Relief

    Motion Filed for Another Post-Conviction Relief
    Another motion for post-conviction relief is filed, based on a phone call that may link another suspect to the crime.
  • Additional Motion for Post-Conviction Relief is Denied

    The motion was denied, arguing that the evidence did not go beyond speculation, and thus did not merit an evidentiary hearing.
  • Another Appellant Brief is Filed

    Another Appellant Brief is Filed
    Avery filed an appeal for the previously denied motion, on similar grounds to the previous appeal.