Stamp Act
The stamp act was a law passed by parliament that placed a tax on printed materials such as legal documents,newspapers,and even playing cards. The colonists felt that it was unfair because they didn't have a say in government. Thier protest cry was "No taxation without representation". -
Period: to
Steps to War
Sons of Liberty
The Sons of Liberty was a group organized by Samuel Adams.The Sons of Liberty burned the stamps and threatened stamp agents. They burned down stamp agents' homes.Once they made a life sized puppet of one of the stamp agents and hung it on a tree.This took effect because nobody wanted to be a stamp agent anymore. -
The Townshend Acts
It was impossible to collect money from the Stamp Act so parliament voted to repeal the stamp act in 1767. People were happy and they celebrated .Britian still needed money though. King Goerge III thought Britian had the right to tax the people. Charles Townshend agreed with him. TOwnshend made a new tax the TOwnshend acts. The tax placed a tax on imported goods such as paper,wool,tea and other goods that came from Britian. -
Daughters of Liberty
In Boston writer Mercy Otis Warren encouraged people to stop buying the imported items. Instead of buying British tea, Women made thier own tea out of berries and herbs. New groups called the "Daughters of Liberty" began to form in the colonies. They began weaving cloth that could be used insead of British wool to help the boycott. -
Boston Massacre
In March 5, 1770 colonists were throwing snowballs, icicles, and oyster shells at the soldiers . A soldier panicked and fired at one of the colonists. The other soldiers thought they were supposed to fire too so they all fired at the crowd of colonists. 5 colonists died that day. The soldiers were sent for a trial, and John Adams stood up for them. The soldiers were not guilty of murder. -
Committees of correspondence
The colonial boycott was hurting British businesses so parliament canceled all the taxes except for the tea taxes. Samuel Adams worked on the new problem. He felt that they needed a new and faster way to share news. So Adams formed a Committee of Correspondence in Boston in 1772. Soon there were committees of correspondeces in towns all over the colonies. They wrote letters to each other delivered by the "Express Riders". -
Boston Tea Party
Committies of correspondence started writing about the tea act, a new law passed by parliament. It was a law that said tea can be sold only by one company.People had to buy from that company. People didi not like this. The commities of corrspondence dressed up as mohaks and wento on to the ship and dumped the crates of tea into the sea. -
Intolerable Acts
The British were punishing the colonists becuase they dumped the tea in the sea.They didn't let boats come to the port,they sent the British Soldiers backa and they made the colonists feed them and house them.The colonists had to take sides either patriots or loyalists. The colonists did not like this.The Committees of Correspondence planned a meeting in Philadelphia. -
1st Continental Congress
In September 1774 representatives from all the colonies except for Goergia met in Philidelphia. They decided they would start training militias just in case they needed them, and stop all the trading with Britian. They still hoped they could end this peacfully though. http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=!1st+continental+congress&view=detail&id=83B611598D366185F593F0CCA5F74A83B7DC2446&first=0&FORM=IDFRIR&adlt=strict