Treaty Of Paris 1763
A treaty that ended the French and Indian war after seven years. -
Proclamation of 1763
The proclamation prevented the colonist from going past the Application Moutains. -
Stamp Act
A law that made the colonist pay taxes on every printed item with out and of the colonist say so. -
Declatory Act
The declatory act was passed the same day as the repeal of the stamp act. The law gave the paliment of Great Britain the power to make all the decions for the colonies in all cases. -
Townshend Acts
Ehen the English parliment put a tax on glass, lead, paints, paper, and tea. -
Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre happened after colonist were throwing things at the red coats. When one of the red coate was knocked down from something threw the red coats open fired of a group of people and killed five. -
Tea Act
When tea was the only thing they taxed. -
Boston Tea Party
When members of the Sons of Liberty derssed up as indianes and destroyed and threw cartons of tea off the ship. -
Intolerable Acts
The intolerable acts were passed because of the Boston tea party. This law inabled the use of the boston port and it let Britixh soldiers be tried in other places for crimes such as muder. -
1st Continental Congress
The combination of the colinies metting in one place to discuss things happening in the colonies. in ended October 26, 1774. -
Midnight Ride
When Paul Revere and a cowple others roode to worn the milita men about the red coats coming. -
Lexington aqnd Concord
The first battle of the American Revolution. (The shot heard around the world.) -
2nd Continental Congress
The second meeting with all the colonies delegates. They decided to start an army, but also wrote the olive branch which showed king Gorge lll they wanted peace.