Australian constitution

Steps to Federation - Australia's Story

  • Catalyst

    Sir Henry Parkes during this year starts the movement towards federation. NOTE: Picture of Sir Henry Parkes
  • The Australasian Federation Conference

    The Australasian Federation Conference recommends a national convention to draft a constitution for the Commonwealth of Australia.
  • First of many conventions

    The first convention to draft a constitution meets in Sydney.
  • Period: to

    Great Depression

    During this time period the Economic Depression hits and colonial parliaments lose interest in federation.
  • Reignited

    A people's conference held in Corowa, New South Wales, urges colonial leaders and parliament to rehold convention to decide on a draft constitution.
  • Premier's Conference

    During this year a premier's conference decides to hold new federation conventions.
  • Second People's conference

    A second conference for the people held in Bathurst, New South Wales, again calls for another federation convention.
  • Period: to

    Second National Australasian Convention meeting

    A second National Australasian Convention is held in Adelaide, Sydeny and Melbourne. It was during this National Australasian Convention the constitution was agreed to.
  • New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania referendums

    Referendums are held in New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania in order to aprove of the constitution. All say yes but NSW.
  • Secret Meeting

    During January this year the premiers hold a secret meeting to make changes to the constitution. Inbetween April and July South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania hold referendums. During this referenum a majority say yes.
  • Just past the line

    In March a group of chosen reps. travel to London to present the constitution to the British Parliament.
  • Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act.

    On this day the British Parliament accepts the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act.
  • Queen's signature

    On this day the monarch signed the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act.
  • Western Australia

    On this day WA holds a referendum on the constitution. An overwhelming majority of voter agree to federate.
  • Australia unites

    Australia unites
    On this day the Commonwealth of Australia is anncounced at Centennial Park, Sydney. NOTE: Picture of Centennial Park in Sydeny
  • First Election

    On the 29th and 30th of March the first elections are held in Australia.
  • Opening of Parliament of Australia

    Opening of Parliament of Australia
    On the 9th of May 1901 Duke of Cornwall and York later known as King Gorge V opens the first Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia in the Exhibition Building located in Melbourne. NOTE: Picture of Exhibition Building