
Steps Leading Up To The Civil War

  • Roger B. Taney

    Roger B. Taney
    The 5th chief of justice of the supreme court and had to fill the position of John Marshall when he had died. He prohibited slavery in federal territories and stated the Constitution protected slavery.
  • William Lloyd Garrison/Liberator

    William Lloyd Garrison/Liberator
    The Liberator, was a special kind of newspaper which was about anti slavery, and was founded by William Lloyd Garrison.
  • John C. Fremont/Republican Party/Mexican American War

    John C. Fremont/Republican Party/Mexican American War
    John C. Fremont was member of the Republican Party and was a member of the Mexican American War. He was a major in the Mexican American war and afterwards a candidate for the president of the United States for the Republican Party
  • Liberia/Colonization Movement

    Liberia/Colonization Movement
    Liberia is a country in west Africa which is boarding Sierra Leone. The Colonization Movement, encouraged African Americans to return to the African homelands.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Compromise,created by Henry Clay, was a line which was drawn under Missouri that marked where slavery was and wasn't allowed. Above the line, there was no slavery, but below the line slavery was legal. The compromise was created to settle arguments over where slavery was to be allowed after the Ohio River, which marked the slavery and free line, met the Mississippi river. In 1820, to keep sates from seceding, Congress voted to pass this which was the Missouri Compromise.
  • David Walker

    David Walker
    David Walker was an African American abolitionist and an anti slavery activist. His father was a slave, although his mother wasn't.
  • Nat Turner/His Rebellion

    Nat Turner/His Rebellion
    Nat Turner's Rebellion was an organized rebellion against Southern whites,and was organized by Nat Turner. This was the last violent slave rebellion. Not happy with slavery and white Southerners, Nat Turner planned to kill every white man he could find. This led to stricter slave laws, which led to more angry people in the north that were against slavery.
  • Texas Independence

    Texas Independence
    When colonists from Texas rebelled against the Mexican government, leading to their independence.
  • Amistad

    This was a court case resulting from the rebellion of Africans on South American grounds. Schooner Amistad was traveling along the coast of Cuba, when his ship got hijacked by lots of escaped slaves trying to escape from Sierra Leone.
  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    A belief that said settlers had to expand North America. Manifest Destiny is considered to be the expansion of the United States through states which was inevitable.
  • Chinese Immigrants/Gold Rush

    Chinese Immigrants/Gold Rush
    In the beginning of the 1840's, the first wave of Chinese immigrants came into the United States. The Chinese came to the United States because they had heard about the Gold Rush, which was occurring in California. Also, it took lots of time for the Chinese to arrive to the United States and their boat arrived in San Francisco. The Gold Rush was founded by James Marshall, and all of the news about the gold discovery brought over 300,000 people to search for gold.
  • Underground Railroad/Harriet Tubman

    Underground Railroad/Harriet Tubman
    The Underground Railroad was a network filled with secret routes that were created in the 19th century and was used by African American slaves to escape into free states. Harriet Tubman, helped build the Underground Railroad.
  • Popular Sovereignty

    Popular Sovereignty
    Popular Sovereignty, was a principle which stated that the states' government and state is controlled by the people.
  • The Compromise of 1850

    The Compromise of 1850
    The Compromise of 1850 was when separate bills were passed by the US to congress with a four year political confrontation between free states and slaves.
  • Fugitive Slave Law Act

    Fugitive Slave Law Act
    The Fugitive Slave Law Act which stated that the Southern people wanted slave holding and the Northern fears of a slave conspiracy. Also, the Fugitive Slave Law Act stated that all escaped slaves must return if they're found.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin/Harriet Beecher Stowe

    Uncle Tom's Cabin/Harriet Beecher Stowe
    Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, upset people from both the north and the south because the story was about slavery in the south. Many people from the south thought that it was a very exaggerated story and it talked about how a slave's life worse than it really was. Northerners became more aware of the life of a slave and pushed more for abolition. Also, Harriet was con for having slaves and thought it wasn't fair.
  • Henry Clay

    Henry Clay
    Henry Clay was a spokesman from the west, and was born in Kentucky. Clay played a huge role in ensuring compromises such as the Missouri Compromise and the Tariffs in 1833.
  • Daniel Webster

    Daniel Webster
    Daniel Webster was an American politician who served as a United States senator who represented New Hampshire and Massachusetts. Webster was considered to be one of the best, highly regarded lawyers during the 1800's. Webster was pro for supporting tariffs, with good transportation routes and a national bank. Also, Webster helped ease tensions with Britain, but was unfortunately never elected as president of the United States.
  • Oregon Trail/Mormon Trail

    Oregon Trail/Mormon Trail
    Both were trails which were part of the national traits center. The Oregon Trail is 2,170 miles long, which connected the Missouri River to valleys in Oregon. The trail was so long, it connects to the present day state, Kansas. The Mormon Trial is a 1.300 mile long trail which is part of the US trail system.
  • Gadsden Purchase

    Gadsden Purchase
    The Gadsden Purchase was by the US from Mexico in the present day states such as Arizona and New Mexico
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Kansas Nebraska Act
    The Kansas Nebraska Act allowed slavery in all areas because of popular supremacy. This split northern democrats and Whigs into two parties each because many believed slavery could not be spread at all, even if the people wanted it.
  • Dred Scott

    Dred Scott
    Dred Scott was an enslaved African American man who tried to sue for his freedom, but was unsuccessful.
  • John Brown/Harper's Ferry

    John Brown/Harper's Ferry
    John Brown, who was a person that led an anti slavery protest in Harper's Ferry, which is a small town, located in West Virginia.
  • Secede

    The seven seceding states of the lower south set up a provisional government at Montgomery Alabama.
  • Abraham Lincoln/ Stephen Douglas

    Abraham Lincoln/ Stephen Douglas
    Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth president of the United States, and was a militia captain defending Illinois. Also, Lincoln is the only president to hold a patent. In the early days of the war, Lincoln suspended writ of habeas corpus, and allowing his agents to imprison anyone. Also, Lincoln proclaimed that all people that were slaves in free states of the rebellion to be forever free. Stephen Douglas, was the person who ran for president against Lincoln, but lost, and he wanted slavery.
  • Fredrick Douglass

    Fredrick Douglass
    Fredrick Douglass was an African American statesman who believed in equality in all races