Missouri Compromise
The Missiouri Comprmise preserved the balance betwen slave and free states in the Senate. It also brought a brief pause in the debate over slavery. This Later made the need for a new comprmise. -
Nathaniel Turner Rebellion
Nat Turner was a southern slave who belived the God had sent him to end slavery. On August 23 1831 Turner led rebel slaves and killed plantation ownwers. There were 55 to 65 casulties and it put fear in the Soutners eyes. Nat Turner was later hanged for his actions. -
Wilmot Proviso
One of the main events leading to the civil war the wilmot proviso banned slavery in Mexician teritory. David Wilmot first proposed the idea to congress. It passed the house but failed the senate. -
Comprmise of 1850
The comprmise of 1850 was five seperate bills passed all to end the contrisor over slavery and north and south. One of the main effects was that Slavery was again okay in the south and the north got some free states. Even though both sides had some dislikes. -
Fugitive Slave Act
This was the most controversal plan of the comprmise of 1850. It said the all escaped slaves that were caught in the north had to be moved to the south. Even though it was in place most northners did not follow the act. -
The Kansas Nebreska Act
The Kansas Nebraska act created the territories Kansas and Nebraska. This was to help settle the number of free and slave states. Thw White settlers were allowed Popular Sovirengnity to become slave or free state. This act really split amercia into two regions. -
The Dred Scott Case
Dred Scott was an escaped slave who was later found in the North and brought back. Scott was later entiltied to go to court and evuntally it made its way to supreme court. The court later said a negro could not claim freedom in court. The angered the North and made the civil war come even closser. -
John Brown raid on Harpers Family
John Brown an Abonlist and his supporters went to harpers fairy and raided the United States Arsenal. It failed and he was later captured and hanged. This one of the Abolnists revolts before the war, -
Lincolins Election
The Democrats were split with two people who they nominated. The Republicians Niminted Abraham Lincolin. With the Democrats divided Lincolin won with every northern state. He was the most influntial man in eh Civill War and if not elected we would have slavery today. -
Battle Of Fort Sumter
The North had a fort off the coast of South Carlinnia when the south seceded. They were about to get supplies but the Jefferson Davis sent troops there and eventually they took fort. It took Thousands of shots to take the fort. This was the battle that started the civil war.