
Stephen F. Austin

  • Austin Was Born in Virginia

    Austin Was Born in Virginia
  • Austin's family moved to a lead mine in Missouri

    Austin's family moved to a lead mine in Missouri
    idk the real date(month and day)
  • Austin came back from transylvennia

    Austin came back from transylvennia
    idk the real date(month and day)
  • Austin takes over his dads work

    Austin takes over his dads work
    idk the real date(month and day)
  • Austin arives in San Antonio

    Austin arives in San Antonio
    idk the real date(day)
  • People went to Austin's settlements

    People went to Austin's settlements
    idk the real date(day)
  • Austin sped up the oganisation of ayuntamiento

    Austin sped up the oganisation of ayuntamiento
    idk the real date(month and day)
  • Austin died at the home of George B. McKinstry

    Austin died at the home of George B. McKinstry