STEM Education in the U.S. since the 1990's

  • NCTM helps teachers create K-12 curriculum for STEM. Originally they used the acronym "SMET"

  • Arizona Governor, Janet Napolitano, creates a STEM agenda, which many states create councils afterward

  • No Child Left Behind is established to ensure kids are held to a proficent level in subjects such as math and science

  • A report comes out claiming that U.S. students are trailing many countries in math and science

  • President Obama creates initiative "Educate to Innovate" which hopes to train 100,000 STEM teachers

  • The STEM Education Act is created to include computer science in the definition of STEM in hopes of creating more training oppurtunities for teachers

  • ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) replaces No Child Left Behind attempting to place less emphasis on standardized tests

  • The Inspire Act is passed by President Trump which requires NASA to encourage women and girls to pursue careers in STEM

  • President Trump puts in his budget that 200 million dollars in grant funding go to STEM education every year