Period: to
The Gilded Age
Mankind has finally hit the point of development where technology is magic. Twelve thousand years after the dawn of the first human civilization, humanity has finally achieved world peace. Powerful micro-computers become a common personal effect, and more resources are consumed than ever before to feed the hungry human population. Entire ecosystems are ruthlessly pillaged for everything they contain, and massive skyscrapers sprout up in almost every city to meet the demands of the populace. -
Period: to
The Age of Brimming Earth
The gilded age was an age of utopia. But, this could not last, because the bounties of Earth were running dry. The first large crises was a shortage of water, and then of fossil fuels. Warlords rose to power, fighting over resources. Unemployment and rioting were rampant, and entire government's lost control of their own people. Certain resources became more expensive, and only the wealthiest could afford things that were previously very common. Humanity was on the brink of self destruction. -
Period: to
The Solar Era
In the midst of humanity's collapse, many smart minds devoted their entire lives to finding solutions to this problem. One such mind invented a method to mass produce carbon nanorods, which allowed humanity to build space elevators. The first space elevator, stationed on a floating platform in Earth's oceans, allowed for easy access to space and its bounty of resources. Solar mining colonies quickly grew across the Solar System, and the times of utopia seemed to be returning. -
Period: to
The Age of Rivals
Earth grows in power, along side its new neighboring colonies in space. The various nations of the Earth controlled a patchwork of territories on different planets. Much conflict was had over the control of inter-solar territories. These conflicts rarely resulted in direct warfare between the larger powers, and instead were mostly proxy wars. However, towards the end of this age, mankind begins to change their opinions of each other, and people start moving towards peaceful resolutions. -
Period: to
The Second Renaissance
World peace had been established, and humanity had already begun to move towards unification. The United Nations evolves into the Solar Authority, and many nations sign on to giving the SA all the powers typically vested to a federal government, with a senate composed of representatives from all regions of human space. At the end of this age, the subspace echoes are heard, which reveal the secrets of Faster Than Light. -
Period: to
The Early Stellar Age
Humanity becomes an interstellar race. Privately owned colonization ships slowly trickle into other systems, and hundreds of colonies form across the stars. The Solar Authority re-brands itself again as the Galactic Authority, taking on the new territories under its control. However, these territories are mostly colonized by corporations, with run them mostly on their own. The first stellar pirate organizations form in deep space, praying on travelers attempting to get to far flung colonies. -
Period: to
The Late Stellar Age
Space travel became much faster, and humanity reached farther out. Life bearing worlds such as Foundry, Orwell, Lambda, and Tiberias are discovered and colonized. However, most humans in other star systems live in stations or artificial habitats. Due to an increase in interstellar trade, piracy grew to become a massive threat. Corporations, which are funding humanity's rapid expansion into space, gain tremendous power during this period, as they are in control of entire planetary systems. -
Period: to
The Turf Wars Era
Corporations, which have become super powerful and the defacto government of many worlds, fight each other for control of the outer colonies. Many pawns are sacrificed in their wars for ill gotten gains. The GA remains in control of areas closer to earth, but farther in out regions, the GA had little say in what happened. At the same time, the limits of human space are expanded further, and worlds like Salaam, Xanadu, Folia, and Gaston are discovered and colonized. -
The Konopir Discover FTL
The Konopir, a religions race of avians located in the Pure Lands, discover FTL travel, and soon begin to invade their neighbors. This includes the humans of the Deep, the Cenuva, and the Fumru. -
Period: to
The Merging
After nearly three hundred years of turf warfare, a powerful group of elites began to prepare for the total domination of human space. One by one, the various corporations went bankrupt, were wiped out, or merged, which eventually left behind a massive mega-corporation known as the Dockstar Conglomerate. This corporation grew to such power, that the GA became nothing more than a puppet. -
Period: to
The Age of Oligarchy
The Conglomerate ruled for the entirety of these centuries with complete command, using the GA as a tool to manipulate the public into thinking that they were free. They maintained a double standard. To maintain control, the Conglomerate employed the largest military in human history at this point, calling it a security force for fighting "terrorists" and "pirates". Any opponents to the Conglomerate would suddenly disappear, taken by the secret police that was run by the corporation. -
Period: to
The Stellar Spring
Things began to change at the start of the new century, and a wave of rebellions occurred against the corporate overlords. One by one, several worlds broke free. They allied soon afterwards, forming The Alliance of Free Worlds. Seeing that things were turning against them, the Conglomerate did all it could to prevent its demise, broadcasting lies in media that the rebels were terrorists. The GA, which was very corrupt at this point, backed the corporations, and ordered a military draft. -
Period: to
Age of Division
Human space is split in half, with the Conglomerate in Eastern space, and the newly formed coalition of free worlds in western space, which reforms into the Trade Federation. Not much conflict happens between these powers, and humanity expands outwards farther into space in all directions. The Conglomerate abolishes the Galactic Authority, and becomes the main government of its region. -
Stellarscape 3500
The game occurs.