Stella P.7 Religion Quizz

  • Period: 6000 BCE to 6000 BCE

    Buddhism Part 1

    Buddhism is most dominate in south east Asia making the percent of people in the world Buddhist 7% or 535 million. Buddhist's holy book is the Tripitaka. The religious symbol that represents Buddhism is the Dharmachakra.
  • Period: 6000 BCE to 6000 BCE

    Buddhism Part 2

    For Buddhists some sacred locations are going on Pilgrimages to Lumbini (Birthplace) Bodh Gaya (1st Seminar) Sarnath (enlightened) and Kushinagar (Death.) They are all sacred because they are related to Buddha's life and hold sacred Items. The fundamental beliefs are the Tripitaka and the 4 noble truths. One of the holidays is Vesak (Buddha's birthday.) The biggest conflict in the Buddhism religion is the Rojinga Genocide. They were fighting because the Rojinga people were Muslim.
  • Period: 3000 BCE to 3000 BCE

    Hinduism Part 1

    Hinduism is mainly dominate around India making 15% of the world Hindi or 1.1 billion+ people. They follow Karma and the Destruction of Demons. The religious symbol associated with Hinduism is Aum.
  • Period: 3000 BCE to 3000 BCE

    Hinduism Part 2

    For Hindus a sacred place is the Indus river. The fundamental beliefs include the Destruction of demons and Karma. One of the holidays is Holi. One of the main conflicts is the partion of India. There were Muslims that were forced out of India.
  • 1900 BCE

    Judaism Part 1

    Judaism is primarily dominate in Israel making up .2% of the worlds population or 14 million people. Judaism's Holy book/Scripture Is the Torah and the ten commandments. The religious symbol of Judaism is the star of David.
  • 1900 BCE

    Judaism Part 2

    For Jews a sacred holy location is church. It is sacred because they pay their respects to God and Jesus. The fundamental beliefs of this religion include the 10 commandments. Some holidays in Judaism are Yom Kippur, Hanukkah, and celebrating one's coming of age at a bar/bat mitzvah. In the Judaism religion a major conflict was the Holocaust. This was when the natzies spread across Europe and killed many Jews.
  • 30

    Christianity Part 1

    Christianity is spread all through the world but concentrated in Europe and America making 32% of the world Christian or 2.2 billion people. Christian's Holy book is the Bible. The religious symbol that represents Christianity is the cross.
  • Period: 30 to 30

    Christianity Part 2

    For Christians a sacred holy location is church. It is sacred because they pray to god to bless them and their families. The fundamental beliefs of Christianity is the
    Bible, God, and Jesus. Some of the holidays celebrated are Easter and Christmas. The most important conflict in the Christian religion is the Crusades. They were fighting against Muslim people.
  • Period: 619 to 620

    Islam Part 2

    For Muslims going to Mosques is their religious prayer place. It is sacred because that is where they pray. The fundamental beliefs are the 5 pillars and the 10 commandments. Some of the holidays for Muslims include Ramadan and Quran. One major conflict was the Partion of India. They were fighting against Hindu's in India.
  • Period: 620 to 620

    Islam Part 1

    Islam is most dominate in the middle east making the percent of the world that is Muslim 23% or 1.6+ billion people. The holy scripture is the 10 commandments and the 5 pillars. The religious symbol associated with Islam is the Crescent Star.