Start selling a suscription box in the healthy market to reach new consumers that are interested in fit products
  • Market research

    Market research
    Find the best audience to focus at the time to make some strategies and consumption trends.
  • Products selection

    Products selection
    We start looking the favorite products at the moment and at the same time to find new alternatives to innovate in the market
  • Boxes market

    Boxes market
    First we focus on the boxes market to find new ideas and of this way project the possible ad/disadvantages like competitors, allies, subtitute products.
  • WebPage and Logo creation

    WebPage and Logo creation
    Taking into account the previous one, we started to work in our corporate image and the idea and vision that we want to reflect to our target
  • Mail and social network accounts

    Mail and social network accounts
    Start working on our profiles in Facebook and Instagram to share our content and at the same time generate expectatives to our target.
  • Content creation

    Content creation
    Build the new content to our social networks like Videos, pictures, messages, etc.
  • The box is made!

    The box is made!
    We create the box with 6 products for the first month and also select the store products.
  • Marketing strategies

    Marketing strategies
    Start creating some strategies to attract people and give recognition to our brand.
  • Posts to generate intrigue

    Posts to generate intrigue
    Start to upload some especific content for Instagram and Facebook. To call the attention from potential customers
  • Launch of the brand

    Launch of the brand
    This day the webpage is going to work and the social networks will post it.
  • Influencers

    We are going to contact the best fitness-influencers in Colombia to promote our brand and the vision that we will give, to be more recognized.
  • Contest and surprises

    Contest and surprises
    Tagging friends and making some easy questions about the brand and the expectatives that they have on it.
  • Paid publicity

    Paid publicity
    We believe that is one of the best strategies to promote our brand and get follovers faster and easier. We paid it depending on the social network with less followers.