Starving for LIfe

  • Drought in the Sahel region

    Drought led to 1 million deaths in Mali, Chad, Niger, Mauritania and Burkina Faso.
  • Drought and conflict in Uganda

    Drought and conflict in Uganda lead to widespread hunger
  • Famine in Ethiopia

    Drought in the northern highlands and problems delivering aid let to 1 million deaths and massive displacements
  • Samolia Famine

    Somalia famine was caused by drought and civil war
  • Period: to

    2nd Congo War

    More than 3 illion peole did in the democratic Republic of the Cong, mainly from starvation and idsease
  • Horn of Africa hunger crisis

    Responsible for 285,000 deaths in East Africa
  • El Nino effects all of East and Southern Africa

    This caused food insecurity for more than 50 million people
  • Inter-communal Conflict

    25 million people, including 15 million children, hneed humanitarian assistance in East Afric. In Septemver, it lead to more than 8000,00 displaced in Etheopia
  • Torrential rains in East Africa cause floods

    Torrential rains in East Africa caused floods that killed people, livestock, and crops and washed away;y roads and bridges making it hard to deliver aid In June, while rain will bring some relief to dry pastures and cropland, this is the height o the leas season and hunger is increasing