Started From the Bottom Now We Here

  • Period: to

    House of Saud Rule

  • Muslim Brotherhood

    Muslim Brotherhood
    Founded by Hassan al-Banna. Advocated for a fundamentalist Islamic society. Fought against King Faruk for being too westernized.
  • Period: to

    King Faruk Reign

  • Qutb and Azzam

    Qutb and Azzam
    Qutb was Azzam's Third Grade Teacher. They formed a life long bond.
  • al Faisal Born

    al Faisal Born
    Middle man for US arms and money for ISI
  • Period: to

    Cold War

    Soviets drastically change their foreign policy
  • Isreal Created

  • War of Indepedence (Isreal)

    War of Indepedence (Isreal)
    Citation Truman support, hoped to get money and oil from the Isrealies.
  • al Banna killed

    al Banna killed
  • Egyption Government dissolves Muslim Brotherhood

  • Qutb visits U.S.

    Qutb visits U.S.
    Friends send Qutb to the United States because his ideas are too radical. Qutb in conflict with King Faruk.
  • Qutb in Greeley, Colorado

    Qutb in Greeley, Colorado
    Studying with other teachers at a teaching college up in Greeley. Observing the Western Culture

    Citation Oil Company
    Preasures Saudi Gov.
    Sponsed Bin Laden
  • al Zawahiri Birth

    al Zawahiri Birth
  • Mohammed Bin Laden Training

    Mohammed Bin Laden Training
    Citation Training mostly American soldiers in Saudi Arabia.
  • Qutb in Prison

    Qutb in Prison
    Nesser puts Qutb in prison for the first time.
  • Sinai Campaign

    Sinai Campaign
  • Suez Crisis

    Suez Crisis
  • Bin Laden Born

    Bin Laden Born
  • Turki in America

    Turki in America
    Citation Father (the king) sent son to America. Study in New Jersey (Lawrenceville School)
  • Mujahideen

    Citation "Seven Dwarfs"
    Bin Laden funded
  • Qutb wrote Milestones

    Qutb wrote Milestones
    Citation A link to the Milestones With Highlights to imp. quotes:' >Milestones With Highlights of imp. quotes </a>
  • Qutb Dies

    Qutb Dies
  • Qutb convicted

    Qutb convicted
    Qutb was convited of plotting an assasination the Egyption President. Key terning point in Qutb's ideas.
  • Six-day War

    Six-day War
  • Azzam Fled to Jordan

    Azzam Fled to Jordan
    After Isreael captured the West Bank
  • Nesser Death

    Nesser Death
  • Period: to

    Saudi's in American Universities

    30,000 Saudi's attend American Universities and in return 200,000 Americans have lived/worked inside the Saudi Kingdom.
  • Bin Laden Religious Awakening

    Bin Laden Religious Awakening
  • Yom Kippur War.

    Yom Kippur War.
    U.S. heald off suplies towards Isreal because they might get too strong.
  • al Zawahriri Cell

    al Zawahriri Cell
    al Zawahariri's Prision cell had grown and now was occupied by 40 memebers, all ready for radical change.
  • US Embassey Kidnapping

    US Embassey Kidnapping
    Citation Carter Presidency
  • Egyptian Islamic Jihad

    Egyptian Islamic Jihad
    CitationGroup became active in the late 70's. Split into two factions one led by al-Zawahiri and the other by Ahmad Husayn Agiza.
  • Russia Invades Afghanistan

    Russia Invades Afghanistan
  • Period: to

    Al Faisai Rule

  • Attack on the Grand Mosque in Saudi

    Attack on the Grand Mosque in Saudi
  • Hezbolla

    Radical Shia group formed in 1982 in Lebanon. Strongly anti-Western and anti-Israeli. Closely allied with, and often directed by, Iran. Involved in a suicide truck bombing of the U.S. Embassey and U.S. Marine base in Beirut. Responsible for the kidnapping and detention of U.S. and other Western hostages in Lebanon
  • Period: to

    Terrorism in the Middle East

  • Bin Laden in Saudi

    Bin Laden in Saudi
    OBL moves across the border into Saudi to raise money for Arab support, raises more money than Rahman.
  • Bin Laden Joins Jihad

    Bin Laden Joins Jihad
    Bin Laden has his first battle in support of Saudi, watches his whole team get killed. Part of the "death cult" (arab jihadists fighting, just there to die).
  • al Zawahiri Released from Prision

    al Zawahiri Released from Prision
    "emerging a hardened radical" (Wright, 67).
  • US help Bin Laden

    US help Bin Laden
    US and Saudis give air missels to Bin Laden to fuel the fighting tipping the balance on the war.
  • Bin Laden moves family to Peshawar

    Bin Laden moves family to Peshawar
  • bin Laden Troops

    bin Laden Troops
    lead 120 troops to harass an Afghan government outpost.
  • Hamas

    Citation An extension of the Muslim Brotherhood. Primary anti-Israeli religious.
  • Period: to

    6,000 Arabs join the Jihad

  • Bin Laden Proclimation

    Bin Laden Proclimation
    bin Ladin issued a statement "The World Islamic Front for Jihad Against The Jews and Crusaders"
  • Azzam Killed

    Azzam Killed
    November 1989
  • Bin Laden Foreign Policy

    Bin Laden Foreign Policy
    OBL's personal foreign policy changes. Warns King about Hussein and Iraq. King Rejects his proposal, hummiliatiing OBL. "We will fight them with faith".
  • al Zawahiri Father Death

    al Zawahiri Father Death
  • Bin Laden offers his services to Prince Turki

    Bin Laden offers his services to Prince Turki
    Citation Wanted to use al Qaeda to overthrow Marxist Government of South Yemen
  • 9/11

    Citation Attack on the World Trade Center and Pentragon. al -Qaeda sponsered terrorism.