Start of Fort Necessity in July 3 1753

  • Start of Fort necessity on July 3 1753

    Start of Fort necessity on July 3 1753
    This war was agenst Briten,French,and American Indian.
  • 1754 Albany Plan of Union

    1754  Albany Plan of Union
    Ben Franklin wonted the colonies to be united politically. There wore representatives from New Englind,PA.NY,MD
  • Johnson and Hendricks triuph at Lake George.

    Johnson and Hendricks triuph at Lake George.
    Between French and Indian forces under the command of German Baron Ludwig August Dieskau and British and Colonial troops under Sir William Johnson.
  • 1755 Br. Decides to Eliminate Fr. Presence in No. Amer.

    1755  Br. Decides to Eliminate Fr. Presence in No. Amer.
    Gen. Edward Braddock evict the French from the OH Valley & Canada.
  • Fort Oswego

    Fort Oswego
    First British fort at Oswego started as a trading post in 1722 on the West bank of river, First and Lake Street, Oswego
  • 1757 William Pitt becaoms minister

    1757 William Pitt becaoms minister
    William was minister for 18 year. He was the loungest prime minister.
  • The English win the battle of Quebec.

    The English win the battle of Quebec.
    Around 1,200 people on each side. Uniforms, arms and equipment: Each side wore whatever clothing was available to them, other than the small party of British recruits who may have been in uniform
  • Montreal French Surrender

    Montreal French Surrender
    Lawrence in May 1760, the French General François-Gaston de Lévis had no choice but to retreat to Montreal, where he planned to make a last stand.
  • Rethinking Their Empire

    Rethinking Their Empire
    Protection of a citizen’s private property must be held in higher regard than a parliamentary statute.
  • The Aftermath: Tensions Along the Frontier

    The Aftermath:  Tensions Along the Frontier
    British “gifts” of smallpox-infected blankets from Fort Pitt. And alot of Indians died from it.
  • 1763 Treaty of Paris

    1763 Treaty of Paris
    French lost the Canadian possessions, most of the empire in India, and claims to lands east of the Mississippi River.