Assassination attempt
The Separatist decide to gas the negotiators in an attempt for their lives but they are Jedi -
Invasion of Naboo
After contacting Lord Sidious he authorized an invasion of Naboo -
Jar Jar Binks the Legend
After fleeing some droid cruisers on the ground the Jedi find Jar Jar binks in the middle of it all and they save him -
Hidden City
Jar Jar lead the Jedi to the hidden city underwater where thye wish to seek help from -
Darth Maul
Darth Maul appears on Tatoonie , the picture won’t load I’m sorry -
Qui Gons End
Maul kills the Jedi knight Qui Gon Jin, picture won’t work again -
Pod Racing
01:12:53 Anakin is uh Pod racing -
Naboo is Free
Naboo is freed from Separatist control -
Naboo Blockade
The planet of Naboo is being blockaded by the separatist fleet. -
Jedi Arrive
2 Jedi arrive on the ship as the negotiators