star wars

By mg33
  • star wars a new hope

    the first star wars movie (episode 4)
  • star wars the emporor strickes back

    the second star wars movie (episode 5)
  • star wars return of the jedi

    the final movie of the origanal trilagy (episode 6)
  • star wars the phantom manace

    the firs of the prequals and this is were the star wars time line starts (episode 1)
  • star wars attack of the clones

    the second movie of the prequals (episode 2)
  • star wars revenge of the sith

    this is were darth vader was born the third movie of the prequals and the best star wars movie (episode 3)
  • star wars the force awakens

    this is the first movie of the sequals (episode 7)
  • star wars the last jedi

    the second movie of the of the sequals (episode 8)
  • star wars the rise of skywalker

    the last sitar wars movie this movie was doo doo (episode 9)