The experiment began
24 participants were screened for pyschological normality and paid $15 per day to take part in this experiment. They were randomly assigned 'guard' or 'prisoner'. -
The Prisoners
That sunday, the 'prisoners' were arrested, read their rights, were blindfolded and taken to the, closely simulated, 'Stanford County Jail'. When the 'prisoners' arrived they were degraded and humiliated. Each prisoner was searched then stripped. Prisoners were then given uniforms with their prison ID number on it. Prisoners could only be referred to as their ID number. This is to ensure the prisoner felt anonymous and as if though they have lost a sense of their identity. -
Period: to
Length the 'Stanford Prison' experiment is supposed to run
Guards asserting authority
At 2.30am were awakened from their sleep by whistles. These events allowed guards to practice control over the prisoners and asssert their authority. The prisoners were made to do exercises as a form of punishment and for them to be taking their roles more seriously. -
On the morning of the second day, the prisoners insinuated a rebellion. They ripped off their numbers and barricaded themselves inside the cells by putting their beds against the door. The guards constructed a plan to get the prisoners away from the door which was successful and so they broke into every cell and stripped the prisoners, removed their beds and forced the ringleaders into solitary confinement -
First Prisoner Breakdown
Prisoner #8612 felt like he couldn't handle anymore and wanted to quit the experiment. Guards, however, continued to show no empathy and still hastily verbally abuses the prisoner.