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Stalin Timeline

  • Stalin was born

  • Stalin was expelled

    Stalin got expelled from the seminary for missing his exams because of Marxist propaganda
  • Period: to

    Stalin was exiled

    In this time period Stalin was arrested multiple times and got exiled to Siberia
  • Stalin gets power

    Lenin was exiled and appointed Stalin to serve on the first Central Committee for the Bolshevik party.
  • Secretary General

    Stalin becomes secretary general of the Central Committee
  • Bolsheviks seized power

  • Lenin dies

    Stalin won control of the Communist Party
  • Stalin launched his 5 year plan

  • Period: to

    Great Purge

    Stalin instituted many campaigns aimed to get rid of parts of the Soviet Society considered a threat.
  • German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact

    Hitler and Stalin signed the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact
  • Stalin becomes dictator

  • Stalin died