Title french revolution

Stages of the french revolution

  • Pre-Revolution

    Social, economic, and political instability is very present in France specially within the third estate.
  • Public Discontent

    Public Discontent
    The french take action, the riots begin. These lead to:
    The Bread Riot,
    Tennis Court Oath,
    Estates General Reunite,
    Storming of the Bastille.
  • Early Revolution

    Early Revolution
    During this phase the National Assembly creates the Declaration of Rights of a Man and Citizen. This is also the time when the society started dividing into groups by their social status and the changes that they were demanding.
  • Royal family is Frightened

    Royal family is Frightened
    The royal family is triggered as a guilty cause of the chaos,which forces King Louis to approve the new constitution which assures equal privileges for all citizens.
  • Crisis Stage

    Crisis Stage
    During this phase the leader of the Jacobins (a radical group) Maximilien Robespierre starts killing many citizens blaming them for very minor faults. This leads to the Reign of Terror.
  • Recovery

    The reign of terror ends with the death of Robespierre, this is an opportunity for the more conservative groups to take control and restore the peace in France.