Stage Development

  • Frued- Oral 0-1 years

    Center of pleasure is the mouth, it is a major source of gratification and exploration. Children in this stage spend much of their time eating and mite possibly dexelop an oral fixation.
  • Piaget- Sensorimotor 0-2 years

    The infant explores the world through direct sensory and motor contact. Object permanence and separation anxiety develop during this stage.
  • Erikson- trust vs. mistrust 0-1.5 years

    The child wonders if the world is predictable and supportive or not. As a baby, I might have wondered at times whether or not my parents would ever come back when they left to go somewhere.
  • Kohlberg- Preconventional: Obedience and Punishment

    This stage is based on avoiding punishment, a focus on the consequences of actions, rather than intentions; intrinsic deference to authority. A child learns not to do a specific action because the parents will ground the child.
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  • Freud- Anal 1-3 years

    The source of pleasure is the anus and the bladder. Much of this stage revolves around potty training. Potty training builds self confidence and independence . How a child is potty trained will affect how they show confidence later in life.
  • Piaget- Preoperational 2-6 years

    The child uses words and images to represent objects but doesn't reason logically. The child is able to pretend in this stage despite being limited in what they can make up on their own. The child is egocentric and often experiences animism. The child lacks the thought of conservation.
  • Erikson- Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt 2-3 years

    The child goes through potty training and gains confidence and independence. Whenever I was successful in something that I did on my own, I would feel a sense of pride and independence.
  • Freud- Phallic 3-6 years

    The center of pleasure is the child's genitalia. This stage is when children begin to understand gender and begin wanting to look and act like their gender. Children want to become like their parents in order to get more attention (Oedipus and Electra complexes).
  • Erikson- Initiative vs. Guilt 3-5 years

    Children ask the question "Am i good, or am I bad?".They decide where and why they are actually getting attention. As a child, I might have found out that my dad gave me more attention and that he would let me get away with more than my mom would.
  • Freud- Latency 6-12 years

    Energy is directed to physical and intellectual activites. Sexual impulses are repressed and children begin developing relationships with peers of the same sex.This is the stage where children have more freedom and interactions because they begin going to school and being treated differently.
  • Erikson- Industry vs. Inferiority 6-11 years

    Children ask the question "Am I worth while?". This is the stage where children get criticism for the first time. This is where children develop insecurities. In this stage, I learned that I was much better at the fine arts than sports because I did well in art, theater, and dance classes.
  • Piaget- Concrete Operational 7-12 years

    The child can think logically about concrete objects and can thus add and subtract. The child also understands conservation and that larger does not necessarily equal more.
  • Erikson- Identity vs. role confusion 12-18 years

    This is the stage where children decide who they are and who they want to be in the future. Children also begin deciding what they want to do with the rest of their lives. In this stage, I have learned that I want to go into the medical field because I found that I work better when I learn by doing and I have excelled in math and science classes.
  • Freud- Genital 12-18 years

    Energy directed towards full sexual maturation and function of secondary sexual characteristics. This is the stage where people decide who they want to be in the future and what they want to do with the rest of their lives.
  • Piaget- Formal Operational 12-... years

    The adolescent can reason abstractly and think in hypothetical terms. The ability to pretend is much greater as the person gets older and gets more experience. This stage lasts throughout the rest of the person's life, it is not just within childhood.
  • Erikson- Intimacy vs. Isolation 19-40 years

    This is the stage in a person's life where they figure out whether or not they want to be with someone or be by themselves. They decide that they want to be in a relationship or not. For my future, I would like to get married and have a family.
  • Kohlberg- Preconventional: Individualism and exchange

    The "right" behaviors are those that are in best interest of oneself; tit for tat mentality. A child in this stage would do a chore and immediately demand some form of compensation.
  • Erikson- Generativity vs. Stagnation 40-65 years

    This is the stage of development where people begin to ask themselves whether or not they have been successful in their lifetime. In this stage, I hope to have had a successful job and have successfully provided for a family.
  • Kohlberg- Conventional: Interpersonal relationships

    This stage revolves around a "Good boy/Good girl" attitude, sees individuals as filling social roles. Children in this stage are motivated to do things in order to get praise from those that they look up to.
  • Kohlberg- Conventional: Authority and Social Order

    Law and order are the highest ideals in this stage.Social obedience is a must to maintaining a functional society. In this stage, the child is aware that there are rules that they need to follow or else there will be severe consequences.This person may refuse to do anything that is against rules in any way.
  • Erikson- Ego integrity vs. Despair 65-... years

    This is the stage where people ask themselves whether or not they have done everything that they had wanted to do in life. When I am in this stage, I hope that I will have been happy with my accomplishments and traveled a lot.
  • Kohlberg- Postconventional: Social contract

    The person begins to learn that others have different values. The person will have a realization that law is contingent on culture. This person can understand that others may act differently from them because of different cultures and upbringings. This person might break/bend the rules if they don't find actions to be harmful to them or others.
  • Kohlberg- Postconventional: Universal Principles

    This person develops internal moral principles and begins to obey these over the law. This person could become dangerous if they decide in their own head that safety laws no longer apply to them.