Period: to
Early Childhood
Biosocial, Cognitive and Psychosocial -
Happy Birthday!
I was born on Memorial Day weighing 8lbs 5oz I was a perfectly healthy baby and my parents wanted to keep it that way so I was breat fed. -
Mother Nature
It was my birthday and I received a present I really wasnt expecting....My mentral period -
look at her go
I started walking at 10months old -
Mommy, Mommy, Mommy
I thought everyone was "mommy" I even thought I was mommy. -
My first spanking
I was introduced into discipline rather early i was chestised for putting a pencil in the electrical socket at my brothers birthday party -
i stated headstart at 3 and was so much taller than my classmates -
Period: to
Biosocial, Cognitive, Pschosocial -
New school
I started a new foreign language immersion school -
I won a spanish belling bee, I was learning spanish at my new school. -
Middle School here i come.
I graduated from Elementary fluently speaking spanish. -
I was sexually assualted at school by classmates. -
I was very depressed and dint have to many friends, I usually kept to myself. -
Love at first sight
I met my currenrt boyfriend and I started my first relationship weve been together every since -
Report card
I received my first F in school in my math class. -
Look out for me
I started Drivers training, -
Graduation from High school
I graduated from Detroit Academy with a 3.4 and earned my High School Diploma -
Freshman 15
I started at college at Wayne State University. I was healthy and active but gained weighed from eating junk food. Fist semester made the Nationals Deans list and ended the semester with a 4.0 -
Its a boy!!!
I gave birth to my son at 12:05, he weighed 9lbs. 1oz -
Period: to
Biosocial, Cognitive, Psychosocial -
Wedding Bells
Me and my fiance' makes it officials and finally get married. 150 guest -
Commencment Ceremony
Graduate from College with an assosiates in Nursing -
Its a girl
My baby girl Christian is born -
Push, Push
Start working at Hutzle Womens Hospital as a labor & delivery nurse. -
Lets Go Clubbing
Joins a motorcycle club with husband, buys a bike and takes trips -
Marriage on the rocks
Start having issues with my husband start mariage couseling. Try to coop with losses. -
where is the love???
trying to coop with less of a sexual drive, start being concern with health habits -
Whoa its hot in here
Body goes through the changes, start to have mood swings, hot flashes, no longer get a period -
Planning Retirement
Start to plan my retirement with my husband. Plan different countries to visit. Keeping in touch with friends....Enjoying life. -
Period: to
Late Adulthood
Biosocial, Cognitive, Psychosocial -
Retirement Party
I finally retire from Hutzel Hospital and start traveling -
My apperance starts to change, hearing and vision decrease -
My son starts to embrace me getting older and i start to embrace life with my husband -
getting even Older
My keys are tooken away from me and I can no longer drive, beining to loose my independence. -
I am diagnosed with Alzheimers disease and forced to live with my son and his wife sarah. My mind is slowly deteriating -
Sharnica was a wonderful person were she devoted her love, life, to her patients. she was a extroidanry nurse at The Detroit Medical Center Hutzel Hospital. Sharnica leave to mourn her deathe he husband of 67 years Timothy Brown, her son Timothy Brown Jr.(Sarah), daughter Christian( Isaiah), her sister and brother and a host of neices and cousins. God Rest Her Soul