Timline for SS

  • Wilmont Proviso

    Wilmont Proviso
    This banned slavery in Mexican-gained land
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    This compromised the North and South to benifit both of them.
  • Lincoln-Douglas Debate

    Lincoln-Douglas Debate
    This was when they were electing a president between Lincoln and Douglas. This was also when lincoln gave his famous speech: A house divided amongst itself cannot stand.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    The book Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe is published
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    This was when the people were going to decide whether Kansas and Nebraska were going to be free or a slave state.
  • Massacre at Pottawatomie Creek

    Massacre at Pottawatomie Creek
    When John Brown lead an antislavery group of people that killed five men and boys that were proslavery
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    When Dred Scott went to court asking for freedom because he was slave in the North which he thought was illegal but the court made it legal
  • John Browns raid at Harpers Ferry, Virginia

    John Browns raid at Harpers Ferry, Virginia
    This is when John Brown tried making the slaves revolt.
  • Abraham Lincoln becomes president

    Abraham Lincoln becomes president
    Abraham Lincoln is elected president over Douglas
  • South Carolina secedes from the nation

    South Carolina secedes from the nation
    South Carolina secedes from the Union
  • Confederate troops fire at Fort Sumter, South Carolina

    Confederate troops fire at Fort Sumter, South Carolina
    This was the first battle of the civil war.
  • Confedarate statess are formed

    Confedarate statess are formed
    The confedarate states are formed