Wilmont Proviso
This banned slavery in Mexican-gained land -
Compromise of 1850
This compromised the North and South to benifit both of them. -
Lincoln-Douglas Debate
This was when they were electing a president between Lincoln and Douglas. This was also when lincoln gave his famous speech: A house divided amongst itself cannot stand. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
The book Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe is published -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
This was when the people were going to decide whether Kansas and Nebraska were going to be free or a slave state. -
Massacre at Pottawatomie Creek
When John Brown lead an antislavery group of people that killed five men and boys that were proslavery -
Dred Scott Decision
When Dred Scott went to court asking for freedom because he was slave in the North which he thought was illegal but the court made it legal -
John Browns raid at Harpers Ferry, Virginia
This is when John Brown tried making the slaves revolt. -
Abraham Lincoln becomes president
Abraham Lincoln is elected president over Douglas -
South Carolina secedes from the nation
South Carolina secedes from the Union -
Confederate troops fire at Fort Sumter, South Carolina
This was the first battle of the civil war. -
Confedarate statess are formed
The confedarate states are formed