SR Timeline

  • 1200

    Roger Bacon

    Roger Bacon
    Roger was a monk, a monk is a person who is in a religious group manly men. Before people knew about science they thought that he was magic. This was called alchemy. Roger was one of those people who thought it was magic. he first only know for this. But once people started to realize it was not magic there was something else. Roger was one of the first to believe that science was not magic. This helped led to future advancement in science.
  • Period: 1200 to

    Scientific Revolution

    The scientific revolution is how historians describe the emergence of modern science during the early modern period.
  • Jan 1, 1543

    Nicolaus Copernicus

    Nicolaus Copernicus
    Nicolaus had a theory that the the earth revolves around the sun. Ptolmey theory was that the sun revolves around the earth. Nicolaus proved his theory by using the heliocentric system. This helped led to future advancements in NASA and rockets flying to the moon. It also helps scientist with discovering more about outer space.
  • 1543

    Andreas Vesalius

    Andreas Vesalius
    Vesalius was a Renaissance physician who revolutionized the study of biology. He also revolutionized the practice of medicine. The part of medicine he mainly researched about was the anatomy of the human body. When Vesalius was pioneering the study of anatomy he refused to accept the descriptions of human muscles and tissues written by Galen 1,400 years earlier. So instead he illustrated his own book in 1543, the book was called On the Fabric of the Human Body.
  • 1573

    Tycho Brahe

    Tycho Brahe
    Brahe was a Danish astronomer who worked on developing astronomical instruments, measuring and fixing the position of start paved the way for the future. For this to be possible Galileo had made a telescope in 1609. Brahe also comprehensive study of the solar system and the accurate positions of more than 777 stars. He was once studying the stars and found a star that was brighter than Venus, no star was supposed to be that bright. Today people have learned more about the outer space.
  • Gottfried Liebnitz

    Gottfried Liebnitz
    Liebnitz and Newton developed calculus and a new branch of mathematics. When they where creating these they did not work together they each develop there own way of teaching/learning/exploring math. This way of math helped mathematician discover new branches of math and new ways of looking at math.
  • Galileo Galilei

    Galileo Galilei
    Galileo help add fundamental's to sciences, astronomy, and the develop of the scientific method. With his development of the telescope revolutionized astronomy and made a path for the acceptance of the Copernican Heliocentric system. With Galileo's development with the telescope it has led to more scientific conclusions and new telescope that can see clearer and further.
  • Johannes Kepler

    Johannes Kepler
    Kepler was a German astronomer he is models and observations to test Copernicus’s theory in seeing if it was right. He in 1609 published his laws of planetary motion. Kepler also discovered three major laws of planetary motion he said that plants move in an elliptical orbit with the Sun at one Focus. Today Kepler's theories and laws scientist today are able to come up with new ideas an question off of the old ideas and theory's.
  • Francis Bacon

    Francis Bacon
    Bacon was a English philosopher and scientist. He thought that scientific theories could only be developed through observation. He thought that if it was do through observation that it would be wrong unless it was proven by repeatable experiments. Bacon relied on truths that could be deductive thinking or reasoning. To prove that he thought that to find a answer it had to be through observation or repeatable experiments he wrote a book, Novum Organum, it outlines the system of knowledge.
  • William Harvey

    William Harvey
    Harvey was using laboratory experiments to study the circulation of blood and how it moves through the veins and arteries of your body. He also observed how the heart worked. Vesalius and Harvey worked together to get a better visual understanding of many complicated pieces of the body. The both made very important contributions. Harvey made a big jump in medicine, science Harvey help understand the human body people today have figured out how to fight cancer and diseases.
  • Rene Descartes

    Rene Descartes
    Descartes was the leader of the Scientific Revolution. He was a French philosopher and mathematician. But he is really know for his great advances in mathematics and science. He said that every assumption had to be proven on the basis of know facts. For example that his existence was proven by the fact that he could think. He built a method of questions that followed a order for logical reasoning.
  • Robert Boyle

    Robert Boyle
    He helped to modern rise science of chemistry. He study the composition of matter and how it changes. Boyle showed how temperature and pressure affect the space that a gas occupies. This led to further advancements, this helped science become science not magic. Boyle was studying how temperature and pressure affect gas, now we scientists are studying how a car can drive itself. Science has come a long way.
  • Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek

    Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek
    Antoni discover bacteria with the microscope invented in the late 1500. He wrote that the bacteria was a whole range of tiny forms, never before seen by the human eye. His observations helped the foundations for bacteriology and protozoology. He also saw protozoa, protozoa is a organism usually single celled. Antoni made microscopes which where single high quality lens. The discover of bacteria led to today which now we are creating medicines and cancer treatments. Medicine has come a long way.
  • Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton
    Newton's was a English physicist and mathematician. But that is not really what he is know for, he is known for creating the laws for motion and gravitation. Newton laws of motion and gravitation has been modernized to today's day in age the last emotion have been apply to everything from automobile seat belts to space travel. With his experiment and measurements he realize the force that holds the planets in orbit is also the same force that brings objects into the Earth's atmosphere.
  • Antoine Lavoisier

    Antoine Lavoisier
    Lavoisier knew people thought that fire was an element. During one of his test he found out that the substance rapidly combined with oxygen made fire. So he also wanted to show that steam mixed with air becomes invisible which proved that matter can change form. He modernize chemistry and the system for naming chemical substances. This has led to a great amount of improvement in the time this was created. Since then there has been more chemicals made, more theories about oxygen and fire.
  • Joseph Priestley

    Joseph Priestley
    Priestley was experimenting with gases to identifies that there are 3 different types of gases, Carbon Dioxide, Hydrogen, Air. Priestley discovered the element of oxygen. The discoverer of the 3 gases has led to deeper understanding of earth and deeper understanding of way we need all 3 gases to survive. This also helps scientist today come up with better ideas to protect the living organisms on earth.