SR Timeline

  • 100


    Ptolemy said that everything revolves around the earth, know as the geocentric theory. This was believed for many years, Until Copernicus challenged this with the heliocentric theory.
  • 1200

    Roger Bacon

    Roger Bacon
    Roger Bacon was one of the first people to favor a system of scientific experimentation, rather than the common faithful acceptance of religious ideas and ancient beliefs. People trusted his word because he was a monk and a leading scholar that studied at oxford and Paris. But, he succumbed to the times, and mainly practiced alchemy. This is important to the history because he started the idea of not using faith to prove things, and to start having evidence.
  • 1500

    Nicolaus Copernicus

    Nicolaus Copernicus
    He moved away from Ptolemy's theory and developed the heliocentric theory, meaning that everything revolves around the sun.His theory was published in 1543, but nobody paid attention to it until 1609, when Galilei and Kepler proved it. He is viewed as the founder of modern astrology. This is important to the Scientific Revolution because he was the first person to start seriously questioning Ptolemy, and in turn he started a chain reaction.
  • 1543

    Andreas Vesalius

    Andreas Vesalius
    Vesalius refused to believe the studies done by Galen 1,400 year earlier. He published a book in 1543 with extremely detailed illustrations for his time. They helped readers get a visual of the very complex components of the body and how they work together. This is important to the timeline of the revolution because he was blatantly refusing to conform to the beliefs of his time. He thought that there were better ways to think.
  • Gottfreid Liebnitz

    Gottfreid Liebnitz
    Developed Calculus, a new branch of mathematics independently of Newton. During the 1500s-1600s.
  • Johannes Kepler

    Johannes Kepler
    Used models, observation and mathematics to Copernicus's heliocentric theory. Some of the things Copernicus said were incorrect, which slowed down Kepler, but he eventually proved the theory correct. His laws of planetary motion were published in 1609. It wasn't until Galilei that there was solid evidence that the earth moves around the sun.
  • William Harvey

    William Harvey
    Harvey made equal contributions to the anatomy as Vesalius. He studied the circulation of blood throughout the body using laboratory experiments, and he described how blood moved through veins and arteries. He also studied the body's most important muscle, which is the heart.
  • Francis Bacon

    Francis Bacon
    English philosopher and scientist, around the same time as Descartes. He believed that theories could only be developed through observation. He relied on truths that could be demonstrated physically, rather than reasoning. He also believed that things could only be proven with repeated experimentation. He published a book in 1620 based on this new idea of thinking.
  • Galileo Galilei

    Galileo Galilei
    Helped to confirm the heliocentric theory. He built the telescope, He was able to see things with his telescope that others couldn't. Scholars didn't believe in his ideas because they were contradicting the bible. Church scholars believed his telescope was an invention of the devil. He changed the scientific revolution by creating his own device, and he also shaped modern science.
  • René Descartes

    René Descartes
    Descartes was the leader of the scientific revolution. His ideas led to an advance in science, math and philosophy. He explained that the universe operates in a machine like way according to physics. He said that everything had to be proven on the basis of known facts. He was part of the group that challenged things, causing major changes.
  • Robert Boyle

    Robert Boyle
    Robert Boyle helped to pioneer modern chemistry. In 1662, he showed that temperature and pressure affect the space a gas occupies. He changed modern chemistry, and he changed science.
  • Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

    Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
    He was the first to discover bacteria, as well as protozoa. He found the bacteria using a microscope, which was invented during the 1500s, and he called them Animalcules. He found something we experiment with today, so that is why he is so important to the revolution. He changed the way people thought back then, and shaped how we think now.
  • Issac Newton

    Issac Newton
    Newton used Kepler and Galileo's proof to show his point. His work had a huge impact on the science of his time, and the scientific revolution. Even today his laws of motion are still used. He changed the way people thought, because before Newton's laws, people relied on faith. Now they rely on proof. Newton proposed the law that of universal gravitation and his thoughts and laws of gravity are still used today, in everything from seat-belts to space travel.
  • Joesph Priestley

    Joesph Priestley
    He discovered the element of oxygen in 1774. He helped pave the way for one of Lavoisier's accomplishments.
  • Antoine Lavoisier

    Antoine Lavoisier
    He named the element that Joseph Priestly discovered. He challenged parts of the revolution because he showed the people who though fire was an element wrong, with solid evidence. He proved that matter can change form, but can't be destroyed or created. He created one of the most important principles of chemistry.