SR Timeline

  • 161


    He used his measure of the sky to create the first geocentric map. Ptolemy said that everything revolves around the earth, know as the geocentric theory. He changed the way people think because in the map he had the sun, earth, and all the planets orbiting around it. it changed the course of history because after he created his map people knew that all the planets orbit around the sun, and the planets just didn’t move at all
  • 1200

    Roger Bacon

    Roger Bacon
    An English philosopher and scientist of the 1200.
    Favored a system of scientific experimentation, rather than faithful acceptance of religious ideas and beliefs, as a means of finding truth. Roger was one of the first one who used math and science to figure things out instead of magic and religion. people didn’t believe him at first because they wanted to continue using what they had been using in the past. His questions helped us to stop use religion and magic today
  • Period: 1200 to

    Scientific Revolution

    Magic was used over Science. People believed the things the church said and did, and they said that everything science related was magic. But after this time period, things changed from magic and religion to science, and math.
  • 1543

    Nicolaus Copernicus

    Nicolaus Copernicus
    His heliocentric theory demonstrated that the earth is a moving planet and that it revolves around the sun. During the early 1500s Copernicus began to abandon that theory, he argued that the sun was the center of the universe. 1543 Copernicus's theory was published, but people paid little attention. He changed the way people thought because he was another one that made up his own theory about the sun, and people were first not believing him. But he eventually changed their mind.
  • 1543

    Andreas Vesalius

    Andreas Vesalius
    He pioneered the study of anatomy. Refused to accept descriptions of human muscles and tissues written by Galen. He did his own study on how the body was constructed. In 1543 he illustrated a 7 volume book on the human body. He changed people's minds because he didn’t believe what people said about the human body. So he wrote his own book, that people used to change their mind into thinking what the other people had said was wrong. wrote a book on the human body to help us learn about the body
  • Johannes Kepler

    Johannes Kepler
    He was a brilliant mathematician who used models, observation, and mathematics. But he eventually proved the heliocentric theory correct. He published his laws of planetary motion in 1609. He changed the way people think about the world, because before him people didn’t know that the planets move. But after he wrote his book people realized that when the planet is spinning its revolving around the sun. His theory helps us read maps easier, and we use it in space travel
  • Francis Bacon

    Francis Bacon
    He was an English philosopher and scientist. He believed the scientific theories could be proven through repeated scientific experimentation. In 1620 he published a book that outlined this new system of knowledge. He changed people's minds because he was another person that believed something could only be solved through math and science. not religion and magic. We still use it because we can’t use magic to solve anything anymore
  • Galileo Galilei

    Galileo Galilei
    Galileo improved the telescope- and began studying the heavens. He used the observations he found to argue every heavenly body revolves around earth. He published his findings in 1632. many scholars who still believed in Ptolemy’s old geocentric theory refused to accept Galileo's findings. He was the one who proved the planets revolving around the sun because he used his invention the telescope. When he built the telescope, we still use it today for science
  • Rene Descartes

    Rene Descartes
    He explained that the universe operates in a machine like way according to the basic laws of physics. He was a leader of the scientific revolution, his ideas lead to great advantages in math, the sciences, and philosophy. In 1637, He changed people’s minds because he used math, and science. "I think therefore I am." We still use his decision today, because we have to have evidence for all the decisions today
  • William Harvey

    William Harvey
    Harvey studied the circulation of blood, he observed the body’s most important muscle - the heart. Harvey was the first to recognize the full circulation of the blood in the human body and to provide experiments and arguments to support this idea. He changed people's understanding because most people could just have the idea, but they never had the evidence to back themselves up. He helped us to learn about our heart and how we survive
  • Robert Boyle

    Robert Boyle
    Helped to pioneer the modern science of chemistry. In 1662, Boyle showed that temperature, and pressure affect the space that a gas occupies. He changed people’s minds because before he figured out that temperature and pressure effects the space that a gas takes up, people didn’t know the difference. We still use what Boyle made because we are surrounding by gas so we have to know what happens to the temperature and pressure.
  • Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek

    Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek
    In the 1500s Leeuwenhoek used the microscope to discover bacteria. He called them animalcules. he studied and wrote about a whole range of tiny life forms never seen before seen by the human eye. In 1674 he observed a protozoan for the first time and several years later bacteria. He changed people's minds because before he used the microscope people weren’t able to see bacteria, but after he was able to discover bacteria. People started using microscopes to see different types of cells.
  • Gottfried Leibnitz

    Gottfried Leibnitz
    He developed calculus, a new branch of mathematics independently of Newton.Even though Newton and Leibnitz didn’t work together they still discovered it. In 1675 he discovered calculus, but didn’t consider time and space as a substance. He changed people’s minds because before he created calculus people were still using magic but when calculus was created the whole thing changed. there was now a new way of solving problems. We use it today to solve most advanced math problems
  • Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton
    In 1687 English scientist Newton published a book building on the work of Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo. He proposed the law of universal gravitation, which states that all bodies attract each other. He changed the way people think about the world, because before him people didn’t know that the planets move. But after he wrote his book people realized that when the planet is spinning its revolving around the sun. His laws of motion are used to create things used today
  • Joseph Preistly

    Joseph Preistly
    He discovered oxygen in 1774. The spread and exchange of knowledge were important characteristic speed of discovery and rapid spread and exchange of knowledge were important characteristics of the scientific revolution He changed people’s minds because how fast he was able to able to read his knowledge was amazing to people. Because most people weren’t able to spread the facts as fast
  • Antoine Lavoisier

    Antoine Lavoisier
    A french scientist, who was most known for naming oxygen in 1778, and hydrogen in 1783. He proved that matter can change form, but that it can neither be destroyed nor created. He changed people’s minds because before, people thought that fire was an element but he showed everyone that oxygen was used in almost everything. This changed history because no one really knew what oxygen really was until he came along, named it, and taught everyone about it.