
  • one form of how they did and how they still do hunt squirrels

    one form of how they did and how they still do hunt squirrels
    In the mid-1800s mass squirrel cullings occurred in Indiana, Ohio, New York, and Kentucky. They often took the form of hunting contests in which thousands of animals were killed. Surely those squirrels wound up in the pots of community feeds.
  • New squirrel released in Philidalphia

    New squirrel released in Philidalphia
    Around the same time, a sea change in our relationship with squirrels was already underway in Philadelphia. The city had released three squirrels in Franklin Square in 1847 and had provided them with food and boxes for shelter—and the people loved it.
  • Squirrel pets

    Squirrel pets
    As a new paper published the Journal of American History by a professor at the University of Pennsylvania named Etienne Benson explains, the story of America's squirrels goes back to the early 19th century. One escaped pet squirrel in New York City, circa 1856, drew a crowd of hundre
  • About the squirrel

    About the squirrel
    Most squirrel species have soft, short, thick body pelage that molts twice a year. The spring molt moves from head to tail while the autumn molt proceeds in the opposite direction (Chapman and Feldhamer 1992).
  • Eating squirrels

    Eating squirrels
    There's nothing really strange about eating squirrels as long as you don't look them up on the Internet and discover that they are actually rodents. Squirrels were a staple in the Alabama diet for decades as late as the 1940s.